That eternal Daffodil

"I don't love you. I can't come with you. We are not made for each other for god's sake." Zhao Zhang was tired of lying to him but still, he spoke to let him go on with his life. He moved back and turned his face but the alpha was stubborn, he came in front of him and holding his hand he spoke.

"That is not true. We are made for each other. Okay, just think about it again, let's get married, Zhang Zhang. I will make you fall in love with me." He declared there but, like he got a tremor by Lu Dequan's grip, Zhao Zhang pulled his hand back.

"What the hell are you speaking? Do you know that I don't love you then how can you ask me such a question? And even if we get married how do you know I will fall in love with you? How will you be able to live that life?"