Its love or...!?

"WHAT?" He was shocked when the question was followed by the confession of love that felt like sharing a whole life.

And like always no flowers, no rings, no proper place but still Xia Jayden managed to charm his omega with the true words of his heart. His heartbeat raced against time and with every beat, only one word came out with the strings of pearls from his eyes,


He said yes without a second thought and promptly his lips got sealed in others' plump lips.

"Oh, gege, mouth...dirty...mmm"

He tried to speak between kisses but, his love hadn't heard him. He kept on kissing Xiao Xing till the time he was not satisfied but even after leaving his lips, he placed his forehead on his.

"I love you so much, Baobai. I won't be able to live without you even for a day now. We will get engaged the day after tomorrow."