Shen ge is still here.

When Mo Liam took Mo Shen's name, Mo Jin's face went even paler. He looked at Xiao Xing whose eyes were eliminating fire within them and his next action even made it clear that he was so angry.

His breathing had increased even without his realization. The hiving of his chest and the tightly closed fist of his hands made his knuckles white. The gritting of his teeth showed the prominent and sharp cuts of his jaw and veins of his head and hands popping their head out from his delicate white skin.

"How dare you take my brother's name like that? Shen ge is still here, he will always be here with all of us. I know he is there with me always looking at me continuously."

When his words were coming out of Xiao Xing's mouth Mo Jin stood there as some invisible rope captured him in it not making him unable to move at all.

"If you think I am still that naive small kid then it is time to get you a spectacle. This was your first mistake, dear uncle."