Fearless hearts

"He was there in the Mo mansion today. Though before he could hurt Aunty, Mo Yuan answered him back exactly the way my friend would have given. I am so proud of that child. He has become so fearless and a decent person at the same time, just like you my son."

"But even if he is fearless, I need you to watch over him for his safety. I don't believe in that man. I need you two to be careful about where you go and what you decide about marriage. Just don't worry about it."

When he finished speaking a curt answer came from Xie Jayden.

"Even I don't believe him, dad."

"What do you mean, Jayden?"

Xie Bao asked in confusion, the only thing he wanted for his son was to be careful of that man but the way he uttered that one sentence, Xie Bao's heart sank. He never wanted Xie Jayden to get close to the encounter with Mo Liam, thinking of the link that could let Xie Jayden know about the dark past.