I love you

His steps halted when he saw a staircase dimly lit with the candles in the small flower-shaped candle stand. The rows of candles were made from the entrance of the staircase to the next floor that was the entrance for the rooftop.

Slowly he took each step admiring the way to it. Wearing an intricate and striking black suit he was looking like an ethereal person in the mortal world.

When he reached the entrance of the rooftop, his eyes brightened with the beautiful rows of lighting that was done on the beautiful pillars which were making the elegant structure of the gazebo.

The seethrough curtains swayed with the wind and the pathway to reach there brightened up by one-one light on both sides of the pathway with each step he took in front.

Slowly he reached near the gazebo and entered inside it without a second thought. He saw the small table settled inside it. The small candle was giving the warm and cosy feeling of affection with the fragrance of Daffodils in them.