When only love remains.

"Yes, destiny has its plan for everyone but we mere humans can never understand the play till we stand on the end of it," Grandma squeezed Lu Feng's hand. "But you always knew that Xing would come back again to claim his love though it is just a part of him."

"When only love remains in the heart, that can never be forgotten. Aunty, You remember what he said in the last while going? I want to come back and love my gege again. Tell him to wait for me and he will come back, won't he?"

"You all kids are the same. Lu Feng, I always feel that I never lost my kids. You two are exactly like my Quang and Yuze."

Grandma said with a smile but at the same time heard a sound of clap that seemed to fill the air outside and they all stood up with anticipation to meet the couple again.

"I think the dance is over. We need to go out and meet everyone. They are supposed to go now. I need to check Lu Fai." He said and strode away from them.