Memoir of yore {Memories of past}

"Yuze, you know your Xing has become just like you. I saw him when he came home after eighteen years. You know his eyes, face everything is just like you and I smelled your Camellia scent. He smells like you." She put her head on his grave and started caressing it.

"You asked me to take care of your kids even when I hated them the most and you were right about it. No matter how hard I tried I couldn't push myself to hate Xing. I couldn't, Yuze. Please come back and let me see you living a happy life with your love and kids. Please come back."

She kissed that cold grave one more time and broke into tears again reminiscing the life that she lived years ago.

{23 years back}

"Yuze... Gege..." A fifteen years old girl wearing a pink dress ran through the small pathway in the yellow garden of the daffodils.