Love blooms in all odds

The strong scent of Camellia bloomed on the terrace and the racing hearts started to thump loudly inside the ribcage. He nibbled on his lips for some time and then with a force got shoved back by Omega's hands.

"What the hell are you doing?" Omega almost yelled at Alpha and started to go away from him, in the fear of losing his mind but got yanked back with a harsh pull on his arms. Mo Quang pinned him against a pillar, holding Omega's both hands above his head.

"Can you stop asking me this silly question for everything I do? Well, the first answer is I have drink cigarettes every day since I was fourteen. I have spoiled myself to the extent that I can never come back and second I am loving my Omega and wish to spoil him to the extent that he can never go back."

He pinned his masculine body on the lithe body of Omega and pushed his tongue inside his mouth when Omega gasped because of the answer he gave.