Getting played by fate or?

"Sir, Young master confessed his love for him. They are planning to hide everything from you till Song Yuze reaches eighteen years. Elder Miss Lu is going to ask her parents to help them soon" The informer who was hiding behind the mask of the servant in the Lu family informed Mo Shou on the phone.

"What else is happening there?" He got up from the chair with a sharp hurt in his mind. He paced inside the study that was provided to him by Lu.

"Sir, they are planning to go for an outing tomorrow. They called Xie Bao here, he will reach here by morning by his car. They are leaving tomorrow morning. They will go to the Guanyin temple and then to their farmhouse." The informer enlightened him on facts.

"You are sure, Xie Bao is Lu Feng's mate?" An idea suddenly surfaced in Mo Shou's mind. "Give Xie Bao the new drug that Mo Liam created in his lab. I will tell him to send it to you by the morning. Make sure he spent his night locked in with Lu Feng."