Oh! My Sunshine.

"Mmmn... Jay...gege... Stop... I..." Xiao Xing tried to get out of the crazy attacks of his lover when his hands roughly got shoved on the bed and Jayden's whole body sprawled on top of him. Their four limbs tangled and looked like Octopus legs. However, no matter what he tried he could not cease his lover's act and he closed his eyes in acceptance and shyness.

"Oh! My Sunshine..." Words came out of Xie Jayden's mouth and soon Xiao Xing found Xie Jayden moved on top of him and their groins touching each other intimately. Within seconds he was drained out of all energy to maintain sanity till their marriage. He felt Xie Jayden's hardness against him that sent all blood of his body to only one part that started to get hard by meeting with Xie Jayden's giant meat.