The Show

"How can you be so sure about it? Mo Jin must be knowing something, you can check on him." When Zhang Kai suspiciously questioned Yuyan she trembled but recovering herself she wore her facade again.

"They are cousins and I think they were on good terms." The answer was valid but he noticed the hesitation.

"There is no family when it comes to business, you know the reality more than anyone, am I right?"

There was a time that he wasn't able to understand her but after spending most of the good time together as sex partners, many things changed between them. "I know, Yuyan. You are hiding something and I promise I will find out about it." He thought in his mind.

"Fucker... What do you mean by that?" She berated him like always and turned her heels to walk out. He stood railing on the table and crossed his arms on his chest.