You can never hide truth for long.

"I hope you will understand it but I am afraid if in future Xing will know what Mama did with him, what will he do? Will he hate Mama? Will he hate me for lying to him all these years?" A sudden realization hit her heart like a boulder breaking into pieces.

"Uncle Yuze, if that day comes please help me to tell him the whole truth and just support me to handle his wrath because I know what Mama did was not correct but her fear was not baseless. I will make him understand that she was sorry for what she did. Will he forgive us?" She said cupping her hand towards the sky.

She put everything back in the box and got up to put the box in hiding when the doorbell rang. Thinking to answer the doorbell first she kept the box in the lower cabinet of the cupboard of the storeroom.

When she opened the door, Mr Yamata's face brightened her face.