They got to know the truth.

When Lu Dequan said this, Xie Jayden got suspicious again but kept his stoic face.

"What are you doing there? Are you there again to harass him, Lu Dequan?" He hurt him again intentionally and got a remark that made him angrier.

"He is mine to harass and mine to be loved. You don't need to worry."

"Don't hurt him, Lu Dequan, otherwise you know my wrath." Xie Jayden got up from the chair.

"Oh, you got angry, my younger brother but don't worry. I will take care of him more than my life. Why don't you just go back to your Omega and get him back here? We are supposed to leave early in the morning for your wedding destination or are you planning to come afterwards with him?" Lu Dequan tried to distract Xie Jayden from the issue of knowing about Xiao Mei.

"Lu Dequan, I know what you are trying to do. Just remember that I won't leave this issue after my marriage. Zhao Zhang will need to report me back as soon as he got the clues on that girl."