Xiao Xing, Do I love you?

"You haven't done anything wrong. It is just that there are a few things in life we need to go through just to know the value of that person." A nurse came inside and put the medicine tray, and smiled at Xie Jayden.

"Every time pain that destiny stores for us are not necessary to be a painful present but a pleasant future. Maybe destiny just wants to know how earnest you are for the person and just wants you to understand that no matter what you are, you are incomplete without the other." She pointed toward Xiao Xing and then smiled wholeheartedly, changing the IV drip for Xiao Xing.

"Learn to accept people with what they are, not how you want or whom you want... Maybe the person you get is the person you always wanted but it is just your prejudices that you can't see the real thing."

She placed all the medicines properly on the table and started to go out of the room when she halted again.