My Shen ge was a real Diamond

He nodded his head and stood near the window to look out at the twilight sky that had different shades filled in it just like emotions in his heart at that time.

"I will tell you about my Yuan ge but can you tell me why you want to know?"

"Because when Edward Jones kidnapped you, he asked me where his Mo Shen was, not Mo Yuan." He felt his knees get weak suddenly and all the courage he had in him went missing.

"Do you believe in that man?" He somehow managed to speak.

"He truly loves your Shen ge. I saw it in his eyes."

"NO. THAT MAN IS LIAR AND MY SHEN GE IS NOT WITH ME ONLY BECAUSE OF HIM." Mo Jin shouted, losing control over his sane mind. That time Xiao Xing saw an angry younger brother trembling hard with rage. His eyes went ruddy and his breathing got heavy.

"So, he is not Yuan but Shen. Mo Jin, please tell me if you have some problems. I will see if I can help you." Xiao Xing said as he moved near Mo Jin where Mo Jin hugged him tightly.