You are mine to love or hate.

"Mr Xie, your pheromones are too strong, stop releasing them. I can't withstand them..." He requested Alpha, only to get taunted by him.

"Don't you want money, Xiao Xing, you can even sleep with me for money then why can't you endure a little bit of pain?" He asked, while his whole attention was towards the hickey and remembrance of how he created that hickey while making love to his only love in life. But of course, he was just an imposter, wasn't he?

"I was making love to you, Xiao Xing, were you thinking about money at that time? Were you thinking about how to get money from me and then run away, just like you wanted to postpone our marriage only to get more money from me?" He then looked at the white neck of Xiao Xing that was radiating the pink hue all over because of pain.