The wedding bells

"I want to get married under this Moon. Only a few people around us who love us and are happy for us, where I can hear the sound of wind and the music of water, the whole of nature can celebrate our reunion with us. Can you arrange that marriage place?"

He had asked his Alpha that place to get married...and when he kept his foot out of the lavishly decorated car, a sound of wind hit his face like a feather and water's music got played in his ears like a magical tune. His heart fluttered crazily when his gaze fell on view in front of him.

He was standing in front of the beach where the wind was fluttering with the rhythm. The sea waves were playing the natural melody in his ears. A full moon was shining brightly over his head wishing him all the love and blessings for the future. A few guests who were still unknown to him but still had a beautiful smile on their faces like they were the happiest seeing him there.