We are doomed

"You are the same man I saw near our holiday home when we came here. That means you have been spying on us since then." Xiao Xing commented while he took a step back pointing at the man.

"Your observation skills are really good, Xiao Xing but haven't you noticed what I just asked you right now? Are you not afraid that I can do anything with you right away? Just tell me where is Mo Shen? What did you do to him?" The man greeted his teeth watching how Xiao Xing was still being unbothered by his questions.

"I haven't done anything to Mo Shen! I don't even understand what you are talking about! Just let me go with this instance or I will make sure you will earn your lesson the hardest way." Xiao Xing was scared to hear what the young man just said to him.

"You don't know what I am talking about with you! Huh, I must say you are too ignorant for your good." The man still walked near Xiao Xing making him collide with the pillar behind him.