Gorgeous male omega

"We are doomed…" A man who was holding Xiao Xing's hand said and stepped back from those men.

"Don't worry, dear, they are not going to harm us!" Xiao Xing tried to come forward when he looked at both men and smiled back at the man who was still holding his hand to stop him from going ahead.

"No, you are not going with them right now!" The gorgeous man turned towards Xiao Xing and held his forearm in his right hand. "You are coming with me."

The man started to run taking Xiao Xing along with him but his steps halted when Xiao Xing pulled his hand back.

"You need to stop, dear, they are good people. They are my bodyguards. My husband Xie Jayden send them to save me from troubles." Xiao Xing tried to make him understand his point but eventually got dragged by the man in another direction. "Stop, my husband must be here only. See, he will come anytime and I will let you meet him."

"That is what I feared the most." The man mumbled under his breath.