
"Don't… Just stop it … Xie Jayden, you will just kill him! JUST STOP IT!" The gorgeous omega pushed Xie Jayden hard on his chest making him stagger back.

He then turned around and held Xiao Xing in his hold.

"Hey, are you okay?" As soon as words were left out of the gorgeous omega's mouth, he released his calming pheromones in the air. "You need to breathe deeply. My pheromones will help you get calm. Just breathe deeply."

But that was his mistake that was about to cost him a lot eventually.

"Who are you?" Xie Jayden instantly came near both omegas and tried to take Xiao Xing out of another omega's hold. "What the hell do you think you are doing?"

“Saving him from your anger! Can’t you just see it? You were about to kill him with your dark pheromones, Xie Jayden.” The omega shouted hard at Xie Jayden, making him immediately retreat his hands from Xiao Xing. “You will never learn from your mistakes, will you ever, Xie Jayden?”