Strapped to a cold, hard gurney in the back of an ambulance, I helplessly watch the city’s ray of lights zip by. I know we’re headed north out of town, but I’m not sure where. Looking over, I see Andy grinning. It's the same terrifying smile he gets before he beats me to a pulp. "W..where are we going?" I ask, more frightened than before.
"You'll see."
Conjuring up all the courage I can, I say, "You... You don't want to do this, Andy. You don't. Whatever you're planning. It doesn’t have to end this way.”
He glares down at me. Through gritted teeth, he growls, It should’ve ended a long time ago.”
The iciness in his voice sends chills right through me. “Please, Andy, please, just let me go.”
“And not get my revenge after all you’ve done? I don’t think so.” Picking up a syringe, he plunges it into my arm then explains. “You’re going to need all the strength you can get.”
I wake up. I find myself lying naked on the cold, hardwood floor. Looking around, I discover that I’m in Andy’s cabin on the outskirts of town. I then recall the horrid turn of events. How I faded in and out of consciousness as Andy and his friends took turns with me. I have to get out of here before they come back. Easing to my feet, I hobble across the floor. I start to step outside when another thought comes to mind. I need to find a weapon in case anyone is still here. Grabbing the fire poker from the hearth, I shuffle out the door. Every inch of my body screams in pain as I stumble down the path. I have to keep going, I think, pushing myself on.
Seeing a car parked in the distance, I dart to the bushes and look around. I see Andy walking around the vehicle, a lifeless body draped across his arms. The woman’s face is a bloody mess, and she has a knife sticking out of her chest. Oh my god, he's killed her. Andy killed her. I gasp.
Hearing a noise, Andy spins around.
I try to hide further in the brush to no avail.
With a scowl on his face, he says, “I thought I’d taken care of you already.” He lowers his arms. The lifeless body tumbles to the ground. Grabbing the knife from the lady’s chest, Andy growls, this is going to end today.”
His brutal beatings flash through my mind as he closes the gap. I then remember the babies I’d lost because of his heavy hand. “You’re right, it is.” Holding the poker like a spear, I step out to face him. With a newfound sense of strength and determination, I say, “Neither of us may make it out of alive.”
Julia Present Day
I'm startled awake by the annoying alarm beeping beside my head. Looking over, I see my second husband, Bill, sleeping peacefully beside me. Why won’t my past leave me alone? Why? I throw my feet out of the covers to find I'm more tired now than when I went to bed.
I shuffle to the bathroom to find dark circles have taken up residency under my red, swollen eyes. I'd give just about anything for a good night's sleep. Pulling my concealer from the top drawer, I get to work. Oh, why did the night terrors have to start again? Especially now when everything is going so great.
I dab the miracle cream on my face only to discover it isn’t doing the trick. I toss the container in the sink. Why now? Why did they have to start now? I sob, collapsing against the sink.
Hearing a knock on the bathroom door, I sniffle as I dry my tears. My voice breaks when I bravely say, “I’ll be out in a minute.”
Bill bursts through the door. Wrapping his arms around me, he pulls me in close. “What’s going on?”
"I had another nightmare," I cry, snuggling in closer. I’ve always found comfort in Bill’s arms, unlike the other relationships I’ve had.
“That’s the second one this week.”
"They're getting worse, Bill, a lot worse, and I don't know what to do. I can't eat, I can't sleep, and I'm starting to look like a withered up hag," I sob, glancing in the mirror again.
"You're the most beautiful hag I've ever seen. The sexiest too."
I push him away. Tears stream down my face when I ask, “How many hags do you know?”
“Just one, you, so my opinion might be a little biased.”
I laugh through my tears.
"That's better. Now turn around so I can wash your face."
"I don't know what I'd do without you."
"You'd run around looking like a clown. That’s what you'd do."
I face the mirror then chuckle again.
He hands me the washrag."You finish getting ready, and I'll take care of the kids."
"Thanks, Bill." Turning around at the doorway, he says, "I think you should see someone about your problem."
"I probably should." I haven't told him about what happened with Andy. I'm afraid he'll think less of me if I do. I planned on telling him in the beginning, but it was such a wonderful relationship. I didn't want to risk screwing it up.
Our relationship began when he walked into the law firm. We both felt the connection the second our eyes met. We dated for a month, then ran off to Jamaica to be married. Ethan was born nine months later, and Ashley soon after. Our marriage is everything I could ever hope for, and I didn't want to ruin it by telling him about my seedy past.
Bill's words replay in my mind as I apply my makeup. I know I should talk to someone, if not him, but who can I trust? I know that psychiatrists are bound to secrecy but obligated by law to report a crime. I run through a list of friends in my head. I don't know if I can trust any of them either. Guess I’ll just have to work this out by myself.
Finishing my makeup, I walk in the kitchen to find the kids waiting for me by the door.
"They're ready to go," Bill announces.
"They’ve already had breakfast?"
"And the dishwasher is loaded."
I run over and kiss him. "You're the greatest, Bill.”
"Come on, mom, I don't want to be late for school." Ethan protests. Like his dad, he takes education seriously.
"You go on out, and I'll be there in a second after I thank your father properly." I lean in to kiss him again.
"Thank me tonight, now scoot," he orders, playfully smacking my behind.
"Love you," I yell over my shoulder.
"You too," he says.
I see that the kids are settled in when I climb into the van.
“I have to be there in five minutes, Ethan says, strapping himself in the seat.
“I’m going. I’m going.” I start to pull out when a man darts in front of me. I slam on my breaks. I look closer to find the gentleman looks identical to Andy. My mind flashes back to that terrible day in the woods. It can't be him. It just can't. Andy is dead.