The Past Catches Up


I hear my mother's laughter ringing through the corridor as I rush into her hospital room. Only mom can find humor in anything, I think. I step through the door to find her propped up in bed. She's chatting away with the doctor like there's nothing wrong. Her color is flushed, but she looks no worse for the wear. Certainly not anything near what I've been told.

Seeing me in the doorway, she smiles and says, "You didn't have to come, but it was nice that you did." She moves her hand out towards me.

I take it in mine. "Your neighbor said you passed out in the yard and that dad wanted me to come right away," I explain.

"I just got a little overheated working in the garden, is all. I told your dad I'd be fine, but he insisted I come in to be sure. Rolling her eyes, she continues."You know how he always makes a big fuss out of nothing."

I look over at dad, who's shaking his head. "It's my worrying that's kept you alive all these years." My parents are complete opposites. Dad's a planner, where my mom does things on a whim.

I chuckle under my breath. "Dad cares a lot about you, mom."

She looks over at him. Her eyes sparkle again. "And I love the old worrywart too."

"So what did the doc say?"

"He said that with a lot of rest and fluids, I should be back to my old self soon."

"Guess the old gal is going to have to give up her gardening days."

"We've done been through this already, Bart. I'm not giving up my flowers, and that's final."

"You're not a spring chicken anymore. You can't do all the things you used to do."

"Says you."

"Who's to say it won't happen again?"

"It won't, Bart. I know it won't."

How can you be so sure?"

"I'll just take it a little easier from now on, not work so long at a time."

My dad rolls his eyes. "I'll have to see it before I believe it." Mom has always been a hard worker. She often puts the younger generation to shame.

"What was that?"

Dad pats her hand. "Nothing dear, nothing at all."

She crosses her arms in front of her. "That's what I thought."

"Stubborn old mule," Dad mumbles under his breath.

"I'd rather be a mule than an ass, she retorts."

I chuckle again. Mom and dad have bantered back and forth like this for as long as I can remember, but I can't recall a single fight. "I'm glad you're going to be alright." Leaning over, I kiss her forehead.

"The doctor said that I'm going to be just fine. So you run along now, don't worry about me." It was her polite way of saying all the fuss was bothering her.

"Yes, mom."

"And be sure to eat your vegetables."

I chuckle. Turning around in the doorway, I wink and say, "I will."

"Yeah, I bet."

"The kid gets his stubbornness from you."

"My brains too."

Shaking my head, I head down the hall.

I decided to grab a quick bite while I was out. Nonveggie, of course. Sorry mom, but that's how I roll. I'm searching for a place when I remember the mall's new takeout place. I pull in to find the swat team swarming the area. I then see another team taping off the alley. Someone is having a hell of a day, I think.

Julia Present day

I decide to buy Bill a birthday gift on my lunch break. It was still a week away, but I wanted plenty of time to look.

Not finding what I'm looking for, I head towards my car. Maybe I'll have better luck tonight, I sigh. I start to unlock the door when I see a grubby-looking man walking towards me. He has long greasy dark hair, unruly beard and his clothes look like it hasn't been laundered in months. I fumble with the keys, drop them, scoop them up, and try again. I look over to find the man getting closer. Frightened, I shove the key in the lock. Glancing over, I see he's barely an arm's length away. Opening the door, I start to climb inside. A firm hand grabs my shoulder. My heart pounds in my chest. I freeze in mid-step. My self-defense class suddenly comes to mind. I'll poke him in the eye and run. Putting the car key between my pointer and index finger, I spin around. What the hell do you want?" I growl.

He takes a step back. "I don't want any trouble, lady."

"Well, you're going to get some if you don't leave me alone," I say, trying to sound brave. Our instructor warned us about how predators feed off their victim's fear.

"I'm not going to rob you. I'm here to offer you a great deal."

"I'm not interested." I try to slide in the car. He grabs my shoulder again.

"I have something that I know your husband will love."

I tilt my head to the side. With a curious expression on my face, I ask, "How do you know that I'm looking?"

"The antique dealer. told me." Motioning over his shoulder, he continues. Fred is a good friend of mine. We help each other out."

"So, what if I am?"

"I have a beautiful gun I'll sell you, and it won't cost you an arm and a leg." He holds out a wooden case. "My Grandpa bought it fifty years ago," He explains. Opening the lid, he hands it to me. Isn't she a bute?"

"It's very nice, but I..."

"It's a 1961 Ruger Bearcat. The .22 caliber is a single-action revolver which means..."

"I know what the means," I snap.

He chuckles, "Of course, you do. The barrel is engraved with the Sturm, Ruger & Co. logo. And there is a wildlife scene on the cylinder. It has a blued finish, wooden grip which makes the gun stand out.

Picking it up, I inspect it. "How much are you asking?"

"I was hoping for three-fifty, but I'll take two hundred."

"Two hundred bucks for this?" I shake my head. "Sorry, but I'm not interested." I try to hand it back. He pushes my hand towards me.

"I know your husband will love it."

"I'm sure he would, but that's a little steep, don't you think?"

"The weapons in the shop are triple that."

"True, but it's still out of my price range."

"You seem like a nice lady, so I'll sell you the gun for one seventy-five. I'll throw in a box of bullets too."

I eye the gorgeous antique again. I then imagine Bill's face when he sees it. This will be the best gift of all. "You've got yourself a deal."

The man glances over his shoulder. Quickly exchanging the money for the weapon, he darts away.

I wonder why he was in such a rush? I start to open the car door when I hear heavy footsteps behind me. I turn to find a hoard of officers running my way. What did I do wrong? The horrific day in the woods suddenly comes to mind. They know what happened to Andy.