Chapter 27

*****Michelle's pov*****

"Michelle." Kate called me.

"What do you want? I already thanked you." I said.

"I'm sorry babe. Please forgive me " Kate pouted.

"I've heard you it's just that we won't be close as we used to be." I said.

"No. We would be more closer." She said locking my hands into hers.

"Let's go to your house." She dragged me.

We walked to my house and she greeted my grandparents who were watching TV.

"Kate how are you?" My grandmother asked.

"I'm fine ma,you?" Kate enquired.

"I'm fine too." My grandmother said.

"Michelle. I told you to take the jollof rice to school for Kate but you forgot. Go take it in the freezer and warm it." My grandmother ordered.

I grunted. I walked to the dinning where the freezer was. I opened it and grabbed the jollof rice which was in a cooler. I turned and saw Kate behind me.

"Ahhhh." I screamed.

"You scared me."