Chapter 39

******Michelle's pov******

I got home, nobody was in at the moment I went upstairs to shower, eat the food mom had put on the dinning table for me. I went to the sitting room to watch my favorite show. I slept off and was woken up by my parents giggles.

"Hey mom! Hey dad!" I greeted rubbing my sleepy eye.

"Hey baby." My mom hugged me.

My dad just answered hmm.

"Where are my grandparents?" I asked.

"They'll soon be back. We just came back from the hospital for her check up and they decided to check on our neighbor." Dad informed.

"Oh. But you shouldn't have left them like that." I rolled my eye.

"Are you the one who would teach us how to take care of them?" My dad yelled.

"I'm sorry. I'm just saying." I said and went to my room slamming the door.

I heard a car zoom in and I assumed it was my grandparents. I dashed downstairs to the compound and met my grandparents.

I hugged my grandma.

"How are you? What did the doctor say?" I asked.