Chapter 44

*****Alex's pov*****

"I have to go see Jay." I told Marco and he held me back.

"I'll go handle it." He said

"No! I'll handle him myself." I was furious again and there was no Michelle to cool me down.

I ran off and I could only hear Marco calling me.

"Stay with Michelle." I yelled back.

I went to the class and I saw Jay discussing with Daniella.

"So they planned this." A thought striked in my head.

I grabbed Jay by the collar.

"How many times must I punch you in the face before you learn?" I yelled in his face.

"So are you scared that Michelle will hate you now?" Jay smirked.

"There's no way Michelle will hate me,I'll tell her you planned this with Daniella." I threatened.

"How will she know it's true? She knows what you can do Alex. Don't be stupid." He smiled.

I released his collar.

"Don't worry Alex, she'll only stop talking to you. I won't make her leave this school yet." Daniella said.

"What are they planning this time?" I said to myself.