Chapter 56

The outcast

Episode 56

*****Alex's pov*****

"I'm supposed to impress my girlfriend but I've been benched." I said to myself.

I turned to search for Michelle in the crowd. I saw her cheering and shouting happily even in her condition.

I walked up to the coach. "You have to let me play." I said rudely.

"Alex don't start. This game has to do with my pride too." The coach said raising his hand.

"It has to do with mine too." I said and he gave me a confused look.

"Ever since I've been in this school,have you ever met my parents apart from watching then on TV?" I asked the confused man.

"No,I haven't and it has got nothing to do with me benching you." He said,still trying to push me away.

"That's my girlfriend." I pointed to Michelle.

"No longer Daniella?" He asked.

"I never dated Daniella. Let me finish my story." I half yelled.

"She is the first person who would ever cheer for me genuinely. I don't want to