
Approaching the last day

A week has passed since my discussion with Maddi about our common futures. And that encourages me to work more, within the Judicium boarding school. I haven't changed any of my habits, and my current gaps weren't completely filled.

Currently in the garden, I am in the company of Dame Mathilde, and we harvest the salads, as well as the carrots which are reaching maturity. Sitting on the floor, my knees in the bush, I look for the potential carrots to harvest, while Ladies Mathilde clean the salads.

-Justine, you will remember to check the fruits behind. Normally the boys would have to do it, but since they all left yesterday for their outings. Nobody did anything.

-Why do we have to work for them? Can they do it when they get home?

I ask her, raising her head to have direct contact with her face. The woman gives a brief sigh before smiling weakly at me, and resuming her task.

-If no one takes care of the fruit, who will?