76 - You'll Never be the Same After the Priest Heals you

"Okay, I'm just going to open your mouth a bit. Don't mind me." Elijah said.

She resisted even harder when he said that.

Elijah gently grabbed her chin with one hand and placed the other hand near the nose area then opened it. Her lips were pale and cracked.

Her hands twitched as she tried to overcome her paralysis.

He broke the ampule open and poured the purple contents into her mouth. She felt it slip down her throat.

Her hands jittered for a while before she gave up.

'Master Aaron…'

A tear fell from her eyes down the side of her face.

Elijah pulled his school shirt cuff to his palm and patted her tears dry. He thought she was crying from relief but was also having thoughts like "Why didn't you come sooner?"

He had a sorry look on his face.

She waited for her death to come but then felt a wave of muscle release go across her body.

She quickly sat up. It was like a weight had lifted off her body!

"It isn't poison?" She said in disbelief.