77 - Hero class

'Our kingdom is in the middle of the continent. How strange is it that foreigners from another continent reached past all the other nations to here?'

She thought that maybe this was classified information, so low-ranking people like her wouldn't know.

"So… what's your name?" asked Elijah.

"Stephanie. I'm a monk."


It reminded Elijah of his ex-crush Stephanie who was Nicole's right-hand girl. Nicole had recently tried to blackmail him into dunking his face in toilet water and Alyssa into using her tampon as lipstick.

This Stephanie didn't look like the other. The only matching details were their black hair and nice smooth skin, but this Stephanie was much taller and had more curves. It was just a coincidence.

Elijah was curious about what she said about being a monk.

Before he could ask, Stephanie asked him a question.

"What's your class?"

Elijah eyed the top left of his status screen.

Class: None

"I don't have a class yet."