Stephanie thought he was lying to save the goblins but she saw a dark and determined look in his eyes.
What had changed his mind?
She let go of the mace and stood outside the room to watch him do it.
Elijah rested the mace to his right leg. The goblins shriveled up in fear.
He tried his best to be a hero but even without his status, he wanted to do what was right.
It was never okay to kill these goblins. They didn’t deserve to die because of what their tribe did.
Every individual has a unique moral compass because they are a unique person in themselves… Elijah had a moral responsibility to protect Stephanie because he was human and every race prioritizes members of their species but also because he had a personal connection to her.
If he had to choose to save Stephanie or a random stranger, he would choose Stephanie because he knew her.