Stephanie took a few peeks at Elijah while he was looking blankly ahead.
‘Is it me or does he look more… attractive…’ she thought.
When she sat paralyzed against the cave wall and watched helplessly as Elijah fought against the goblins, she saw his face was unremarkable.
It was expected that talented people were good-looking. At worst, one would look plain. But Elijah was below average in looks.
She had a close look at his face when he wanted to administer the ‘antidote’ which looked exactly like the poison an assassin would use.
The truth was, his face wasn’t convincing and his face was a template for many bandits.
But every time he flipped her impression of him, his face looked kinder and appealing. Despite their argument, she respected him even more.
Of course, it was natural to find someone more attractive when they had a likable personality. Lovers would always see their partners as the most beautiful person in the world. But the difference here was staggering.