Many-Worlds Interpretation

March 27th about 4 pm

Okay, seventh journal entry of today. Man, am I bored!

When I started this journal three days ago, I never thought I’d be coming back here again and again, I mean, do you know how much I hate writing journals?

Actually, I still can’t be stuffed, so I could only write half a page each time. I got to thank Alice for giving me this journal…

About Alice today, she told me a cute story about her student exchange days in the US.

Alice never used a tram before. She got up next to one and waved at the driver to open the door. She couldn’t hear what he was saying on the other side, and he was pointing at the door.

After a while, she realized there was a button on the door that she could press to open it.

She blushed the entire way on the tram home…

It’s only been three days since I stayed, but I’ve gotten to know Alice very well, and we’re like close friends now. It’s funny because we don’t have much in common. She doesn’t even watch anime!