Elijah vs. Alice V

Elijah watched a bus brutally run over Alyssa when she was crossing a road.

It was not an accident.

“You see? You left her alone. AnYtHinG caN HaPpeN.”

“Arrrgh! ArrrGH!”

Elijah bared his teeth as rage took him over, he kicked Jason far away.

They both got up at the same time.

“You’re right. I am a loser!” Elijah confessed.

Jason sadistically grinned.

“I am a coward, and I’m afraid of killing. I save people for glory… For self-gratification… and for confidence that I don’t have.” Elijah said and stared at the ground.

“I pretend to be a good person because I get the attention, and it makes me feel good. When I’m just a loser who’s afraid of getting hurt. But you know what?” Elijah said then looked at Jason.

“When I save people, I’m doing it for the bit that genuinely cares,” Elijah said as he walked toward Jason.

“Yeah, yeah I don’t give a rat's ass!” Jason said.

Jason jumped forward and pulled his fist back.