
Emiko returned home about half an hour ago and cleaned off her make-up before going into the shower. Thoughts of being sexually assaulted by Asahi in a dark alleyway went through her mind. She eventually had a breakdown and cried.

Emiko didn’t bother drying her hair or wrapping it up in a head towel. She laid down on her bed, pulled blankets over her, and stared at the wall.

She was an office worker and thought of either scraping to get a car, so she could get home safely from work instead of using the train and bus or just quitting the job and working closer to her one-room apartment.

Emiko knew these thoughts were rash, and it might not happen, but felt like one of these scenarios had to happen.

She could never think of walking home alone at night the same way again. It was just a ten-minute walk from the bus stop, but it still happened.

Then she remembered the most beautiful thing in the world.

*His* smile.