Robert rebellion time 1

"Mommy! Mommy!" I run into my worried mother arms while I'm still trembling, sweaty and clearly terrified.

I just finished devising my plans for the future and needed to convince her, but my mother is too smart to get cheated by me.

I was a normal guy in my previous life and not a fucking politician! I can't lie professionally!

I held Loki and Laika in my arms and tried to look even more scared as much as I can.

"What happened sweetling? Did anyone hurt you?" She picked us up and looked into my eyes. Damn she's a strong woman but from all the horse riding she does it's understandable.

Maybe I should start breading horses? Chargers and Coursers would be perfect for our future cavalry and a Destrier stallion and Palfrey for me would be great! No, no ,no. Now's not the time.

"Mommy I had a dream again!" I hid in her shoulder so that she wouldn't pick up on my lie based on my facial expression and it worked. She looked at my three guards.

"Leave us." I just love when she show's her authority!

"""Yes M'lady.""" They said and bowed leaving without looking back.

My mother took me into her room and told the servants not to disturb us.

"You're safe now my baby, tell mommy what the dream was about sweetheart?" She was patting my hair gently and I could feel she was really worried about me. I just love that woman!

I started explaining what would come, but in a childish way. Fire here, blood there, painful screams everywhere.

I tried to put thing as natural as I can not speaking too much to not give myself away and it worked like a charm.

My mother started asking me all the questions about the tools and the things I saw. I could see her eyes sparkling so I needed to put in the last nail.

"And when we told our friends about it and the next time they came the Barrow Hall and Barrowtown was burning but they did not help, just watched and laughed." She was afraid but I could feel more anger then fear coming from her.

"And who did we tell sweetheart? Do you remember?" She asked probing but was seething with fury. Looks like not only yours is the fury Baratheon.

"Mommy in every dream when we told anyone it was always burning and they hurt us so much!" I again pretended to cry but mom got the message loud and clear.

"Don't worry baby, no one's going to hurt you here..." She brought me closer to her breasts and gently patted my hair. It... it felt really nice. I could hear her calm heartbeat and feel her warm body.

"Brendan, can you tell mommy what you saw and how to make all these things?" She pulled me back and looked into my eyes and I did what I knew would be best! Nodded!

"Yes mommy!"

My mother went and got a quill and some paper and started asking me questions and I started to give her everything I wanted and needed to.

I just had my fourth name day and I almost made a grave mistake! I knew everything was too easy! Some events don't follow the timing form the books or the Tv series! I was born in 277 AC, I assumed I still have time but I didn't! What do I mean? Some events come faster then I originally thought, so after Harenhal everything came like a broken dam. My father and grandfather died soon after because of the "kidnapping". My stepfather went to war at Ned's side. The rebellion hit me when I wasn't ready at all! We had to spend a lot of gold dragons to rectify it and I had "dreams" often but my mom said it's because of the tense situation in Westeros!

Thank the Old Gods for this misunderstanding! Like this I wandered if other events will be changed and if so, then I really need my spy network.

Now I'm 4 but look like 6-7 thanks to my fathers genes.

I worked my ass of in this year! Not physically but mentally.

I just finished my last experiments with skin changer and warging ability. I decided not to use shape shifters naming as my mom complained it's confusing. Thanks mom!

I asked the castle hunters to catch any animal they can find and bring it to me. The effects are great. I can possess any animal and stay inside of their body for some time, with each possession the times extends and I feel more comfortable using its body. Unfortunately the longer I stay, the more of the animal traits I feel.

For example taking over a rabbit my senses are always on maximum and after leaving the body I stay like that for some time. It's really uncomfortable and a real torture. Maybe because the rabbit is a pray for everyone and needs to be vigilant but I'm not planning on doing it again.

The same for a stag. I was fidgeting and jumping at every little noise not even speaking about increased timidity.

Bear made me more aggravated and aggressive. I wanted to stab someone in the eye and eat their heart... Yeah... Not cool!

The falcons were alright, but I was really proud about myself and everything I did. No modesty at all.

The safest for me were my wolves. But it was different then usual. I could control Loki's body but it was more like he allowed me to do so. His thoughts were present and he wasn't just an empty husk like the rest. It's like he was translating for me what his animal senses felt. The same when I tried with Laika.

The other thing is that my body stays unmovable and vulnerable. If I possess something being outside in the snow my body will die from cold. I have one week in bed being sick to prove that.

Next and the last thing is that I can only possess animals that are no further than 50 meters from me. The good thing is that I learned a lot of methods how to use this ability.

Last time I snuck out with my brother Loki and sister Laika outside for hunting I possessed a stag, came back to my body that was guarded and kept warm by my siblings a canceled the possession for them to kill it swiftly after.

I started thinking about my wolves as siblings when I felt their thoughts while warging. It was magical! We had something like a conversation just using out thoughts!

I spoke with my mother about it and I'm really special!

Most skin changers can possess only the friendlier or less intelligent animals and that forms a bond between them. Usually it's one or two animals. More gifted changers can do 3-4 bonds but me? Unlimited. I just have to "click" with the animal like on first date with a girl... At least that's what the lucky men who have girlfriends said... Fuck all of you lucky bastards!

If you click then that's a bond until one of your dies.

I walked down the streets of new Barrowtown and in just one year it looked totally different.