Game Of Thrones: House Dustin

Game Of Thrones: House Dustin

TV109 Chapters4.3M Views
Author: EnderPL
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How the hell did it come to this?! - A young man is reincarnated in the Game of Thrones world as an only son to House Dustin in the North but there is always more to every story.

This is a small side project that I thought about. This is strictly for fun so dont expect correct dates and all that stuff investigated. I will just write what I want. Can't guarantee stable updates. Again. It's for fun and I have another story for now.

Don't even know if I will follow the canon or not. I didn't watch or read GOT except FF's so don't get angry if I make mistake.

EDIT- This is strictly for fun. If you are a person who can not understand what’s written above and expect accuracy and whole background, save us both some time and don’t read it. Every review stating how unrealistic it is will be deleted. Go feed your ego elsewhere.

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author of this story. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any previously copyrighted material. No copyright infringement is intended. The author of the fan fiction does not, in any way, profit from the story and all creative rights to the characters belong to their original creator(s). Anything used in the FF belongs to their owners. This is strictly for fun.

The cover doesn't belong to me. The owner can contact me and I will take it down.

150 Reviews
Translation Quality
Stability of Updates
Story Development
Character Design
World Background
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Love this fanfic. Good world building and story development. A fun read that really entertains. The frequent updates keep the story rolling well. I hope the author keeps it up. The MC seems a over powered but the challenges in the story are scaled up to meet his skill level. The author seems to be taking the story in a new direction a bit different then the many SI mary sue stories we have all read before. Go house Dustin.

4 years ago

I really love reading GOT fic's. The story might have a few issues here and there, but I never read a story that’s truly perfect and honestly so far I am satisfied with the story and it has steady updates, also I am very thankful of you Author-san for working hard and providing us with such an amazing story. Thank You

4 years ago

Thought I would change the writing after seeing as the quality has improved over time and has only become more interesting and engaging as time goes on. Surprising how negative and toxic some people are on this site in the comments, probably too used to the alternativehistory community

4 years ago

You write for fun, you say you didn't dress or read got, what do you like about that then? So far the story is interesting, you could do one of another series with the same type of character and that you really like it and you could get to the end .

4 years ago

In the middle of the scale... Not amazing. Not horrible. I'm droping it not becouse it is a bad fic, but becouse it simple isn't good enough (of course this is in my personal opinion)

4 years ago

Man, i reat like 6 chapter and man, it's was awful, these first chapters are just so boring, is literally just MC's thoughs e his future plans, man when you're doing this kinda thing you have to show his plans slowly while we learn more about his personality so his actions can be justified, and you just rushed everything, is really boring when you are reading a game of thrones FF but the aspects or tone of the story is not there. That's why i thing the first 6 chapters are just awful and rushed, i'm not planning to stop tho, but if the the next 20 chapters are bad i'll drop it. English is not my first language but i'll give 5 stars for the writing quality , didn't find many mistakes.

4 years ago

Trashiest Fanfic. The MC is a stupid idiot. He has the plot advantage, knows all the characters and still make mistake. Even though it may be a fantasy world 7 year old child kills adults in a battle. Too much trash like that. The MC is a pushover any one can walk over him.

2 years ago

I am enjoying this more than I thought. As for whether it's good or not, the jury's still out. But it's got potential. I will probably post another review after reading around 20 chapters.

4 years ago

The lack of planning really shows. Like the expansion is too fast and unrealistic, even with magic. He (a Northern) decided to f-off to essos and become a horse lord. It's just crazy.

a year ago

En mi opinión, no me gusto este fanfic por varias cosas,primero... salvo a Elia... solo por que era sexy y tal vez le sentia lastima... si quiere alguirn sexy salva a Lyanna, es sexy, le daria muy buena relación con los stark y por ende con Robert, aunque robert es un idiota y probablemente este follando con putas mientras esta casado. Le dara poder a la casa del mc, le dara un fuerte aliado igual al norte. Y mas con todos los posibles espias o traidores que pueden vender información de el por oro, esto evitaria que sea facilmente destruido. Pero salvando a Elia aunque le daria un aliado con la casa martell, pero Robert seria el maldito rey y con su orden las otras casas los destruirian,y en primera fila saldrian la casa baratheon,Stark, Lannister(por que Tywin no se quedaria quieto viendo un posible enemigo económico y con gusto le prestaria sus abanderados al rey) y de paso otras casas que querrian ganar el favor del rey... la casa martell no se arriesgaria a ir contra casi todo westeros solo por una persona,asi que yo prefiero una amistad con los stark y los baratheon que con los martell. Es una estupidez que solo por que este sexy o por que es genial o por que no se tal vez le da pesar por todo lo que ha pasado... pero estamos en un puto mundo donde las traiciones, violaciones, torturas, muestres es algo común. Incluso en nuestro mundo, asi que no fue una desicion muy inteligente Y la parte de perder 12 soldados solo por salvarla... fue algo muy idiota, 12 soldados perdidos por una mujer que no le dara nada,solo problemas. Yo hubiera preferidos salvar a Lyanna le daria poderosos aliados a el y su casa. Los lannister no podrian atacarlos directamente asi que... esa fue una de las razones por las cuales deje este libro La segunda,fue la traición de uno de sus comandantes (creo que era asi) qie era un espia de su madre... lo dejo ir sin mas, yo por mi parte como gobernante pondria mano dura y mostraria a mi ejercito que la traición no es una opción... en mi poa experiencia en guerra, creo que seria lo mejor,por que si lo dejo ir asi sin mas los posibles traidores inconcientemente no te tendran miedo, para mi un gobernante debe ser bueno con su gente y malo con sus enemigos, inteligente y compasivo, pero tambien debe poner mano dura. Incluso si era un espia de su madre y lo traicionó asi, aunque tambien fue un idiota en pensar que la mayoria de sus hombres serian leales a el por unos pocos años, incluso no me extrañaria si hubieran espias en sus filas Asi que fue una de las razones por las cuales deje de leerlo, pues no le vi futuro al protagonista en lo idiota que fue. Claro es mi punto de vista y se que el fanfic es del autor y el puede hacer lo que le venga en gana con el... pero aun sigo pensando que es un idiota

3 years ago

At first the MC was only talking and dreaming without actually doing anything, and when the chapters where he actually did something, they were all things that he did without explaining how he knew to do them. I mean, he didn't have any background on Earth where he was a genius or learned somewhere (for example how to make a good sewer system, or create bricks and building houses). So when he reincarnated, without access to Google, I can't understand how we knew to do them and create those things... And for me this logical flaw ruined the story.

a year ago

Started good and was great for awhile.However stupid character moves totally destroyed the story later on. Characters that were supposed to be smart just sudebly became dumd.

3 years ago

Reveal Spoiler

3 years ago

I really love this fanfic! It has a really well tought through story and a lot of immersion in the GOT fantasy world. Known characters are integrated into this fanfic in a plausible and believable way. It is well written, even though a editor would be very appreciated to correct the grammatical errors and the sometimes missing meaning of some paragraphs... but all in all it is a fanfic I can recommand to everyone that loves the GOT world and doesn't need a transmigrator MC with cheatsystem. I just hope this fanfic doesn't get dropped as after chapter 100 the releases of New chapters are taking more and more time... either way, thanks for this pleasant story so far dear author!

3 years ago

Love this fanfic. Good world building and story development. A fun read that really entertains. The frequent updates keep the story rolling well. I hope the author keeps it up. The MC seems a over powered but the challenges in the story are scaled up to meet his skill level. The author seems to be taking the story in a new direction a bit different then the many SI mary sue stories we have all read before. Go house Dustin.

3 years ago