Old friend

Every ten new, good reviews additional chapter? I think that's called a bribe.

I woke up with a scream from my dream.

"What the fuck was that!" I looked around the small room trying to remember where I was, but the only thing on my mind was the feeling and what I experienced before waking up.

So many thoughts were running through my head when my doors suddenly opened and Ser Arthur came in hastily with his sword drawn.

"My lord?!" He said clearly surprised and nervous not knowing what was going on.

I calmed myself dawn as much as I could and looked back at the man that was now walking around my room inspecting everything looking for any indication of what was going on.

I can understand him... I never had a nightmare like this before, waking up just before dawn with a shout? Never happened.

I always knew that Ser Bryce or Ser Arthur were guarding my door at night or following me from a distance, even when I wanted to be by myself and I respected them for taking their vows so seriously. I'm sure that one of them saw me with lady Darcey yesterday as well.

"It was just a bad dream Ser Arthur." I said while getting up and putting on my pants and shirt.

"Normal one or...?" He didn't finish but I knew what he wanted to say.

"The latter Ser Arthur." I don't want to speak about it more than I have to for now. "Let's go." I picked up my swords and walked to the door with him following me.

"Go where my lord?" He was keeping pace with me but I'm sure he felt lost at my hasty actions.

""Home" Ser Arthur... "Home"..." I said and moved through the empty, dark corridors of the keep.

With every step I took I felt a the connection that was calling me before getting stronger. We moved for couple of minutes passing Mormont servants and guards on the way.

They reason they didn't block us was because we actually moved away from the important parts of the keep. Then through the small side gate and into the forest.

I could feel someone or something observing us the moment we entered the forest but I didn't feel any malicious intent, more like it was happy and waiting... Waiting for me...

I wanted to sped up but stopped, we were already beyond the outskirts and entering the deep woods when our way was blocked. I only could imagine Ser Arthur face when he saw what was stopping us.

Six grown, brown bears stood in our way just watching. I could see my sworn shield reaching for his swords.

"No Ser Arthur." I said calmly when the bears started to concentrate on him. Smart beast knew what he was doing when he reached for his weapons.

We stood like that having our standoff when a familiar cry came from behind the big creatures and not a moment later a familiar black cub came from their back running directly to me.

"Is it..." I bit my tongue not wanting to finish my sentence as I was not sure and only watched as the small thing clumsily run at me.

I dropped on my knee by instinct and spread my arms when a second later a black bear cub slammed directly into me.

"So you were real!" I picked the heavy cub up and exactly like in my dreams felt him licking me.

Two of the big brown bears probably didn't like him being overly close to me as they roared and oh boy my underwear almost had the same color as they did, but to my surprise the small thing roared back. Not the same dangerous and scary type of roar but the cute cub like one.

The bizarre thing is that the rest of the bears calmed down and started walking up to us.

"My lord?" Ser Arthur was waiting for my command to fight or flee, it's just that neither of these two options looked optimistic for us.

"Stay still Ser Arthur, they mean no harm... I think..." I hope that I'm right about this.

"My lord... It was a short service, but still an honor." He said getting his mentality ready for whats about to come.

"Don't jinx it Ser Arthur." I answered not knowing this side of my guard before.

"Is it too late to say that... I really shouldn't agree to swap this guarding duty with Ser Bryce?" I almost laughed at his joke, I really admired the man for his calmness.

I said it before but I don't think there is anything that could make this knight disturbed.

"I liked the joke Ser Arthur, but were not going to die today." I said and took a step forward putting my arm directly to the big bear nose in front. Sink or swim.

"My lord..." He knew not to shout and gently tried to dissuade me from what I was doing.

I ignored him and watched as the biggest bear started to sniff my hand and roared softly. I slowly moved closer and touched his nose just to see him snuggle in my hand while closing his eyes.

The rest of the bears came up to me as well and just snuggled while making me laugh at their childishness. We even rolled on the ground playing for a bit.

I thought I will get a heart attack when I saw one of them bite my hand, but realized he controlled the force of his bite... It was almost like playing with my dog in my previous world.

I felt so happy at that moment, not even close as in my dream, but this was so unrealistic... so magical.

I started to scratch the bears behind their ears and bellies, when Ser Arthur slowly step by step walked up to us.

He was even calm when one of the bears that saw him approaching stood on it's two feet and roared at him only for me to step between them finally calming it dawn.

The only thing I can complain about is that with the exception of black cub they didn't let him touch any of them and he didn't try more after his first attempt while murmuring "Magical".

The sun slowly started to rise making the white forest look beautiful and calming, it's just that the nagging calling I felt did not disappeared but strengthened.

I stood up after we had our fun and walked further just to realize that the bears did not let Ser Arthur follow me.

Every step he took made them more ferocious in blocking him.

"Wait here for me Ser Arthur, I shouldn't take long." I said and wanted to go and finally get rid of the annoying feeling.

"My lord you sure? We can come back later with more men!" He shouted but didn't move as per my instructions.

"Just wait for me!" I shouted back while waiving my hand to him.

Me, the biggest bear and the cub walked for some time. I felt I should have reached my destination already but there wasn't anything out of ordinary there until I head the familiar voice again.

"Welcome back... my old friend..."