My queen

We arrive a little before evening and we're now waiting inside the famous water gardens.

Me, Ser Arthur, Ser Bryce were sitting at the table waiting for the audience.

Princess Elia with Lady Ashara and little Rhae under Ser Gerold, Noya and Ziz plus the 30 elites watch were waiting in two palanquins at the entrance to the gardens.

I don't want the kingdom to know about them so soon so the security measures were necessary.

"They like taking their time don't they?" I said to no one specifically and waited calmly for now, but the rising annoyance in my voice was a clear indication of my feelings.

"Dornish people were never known for their punctuality my lord." Bryce gave a triumphant look at the masked Arthur.

"And you are not known for using your brain Ser Bryce, what of it?" And there they go again with Ser Arthur reply.

"Not now you two. I don't like this." I said and was ready to get up and leave.

"Oh? The little man can't take it anymore?" I heard a voice and looked in it's direction.

Three small girls, older then me looked back with their hands crossed on their flat chests.

Obara with the spear in her hands, Nymeria with the whip at her belt and Tyene with her daggers.

"Maybe I'm little, but at least I can come on time." I reply and look them up from head to toe.

If they are here then that means Ellaria can't be far behind.

"A brave one we have here. Wander how brave he will be when I'm finished with him. I'll go first." Obara took a step forward only for Ser Arthur to step up as well.

"Stop. We are not here to fight. Leave the delusional amazon go." I stopped my guard. "And you little girl should learn from your sisters. I wouldn't say that a whip is a good choice, but poisoned daggers sure are." I smiled at Tyene, she was always my favorite.

"You see sisters? Even the savage from the North knows quality when he sees it." She said and stepped closer to me to which I did as well.

"More like a flirty slut." I ignored Nymerias joke.

"I don't see the most beautiful woman in Dorne here. Maybe we can stop with the charades and get down to the reason for my visit?" I looked to the side path hidden to the left.

I could feel enormous hatred coming from there and that can mean only one thing. Oberyn... and if he is here then that means she is as well.

"See? I told you an idiot wouldn't come here!" Prince Oberyn came out from behind the bushes with his woman.

I looked at her and she was just like in the show, just younger.

I decided to do something stupid and piss off the Red Viper for making me wait. "My lady!" I ignored the man and with a confident step came up to Ellaria. Not only her but even the sand snakes and Oberyn were surprised as I clearly ignored him.

"Maybe I should rethink the stupidity part again." The prince mumbled making Bryce laugh for a second.

"Don't talk like you don't see this mesmerizing creature in front of you..." I kept my eyes looking deep into hers even when talking to him.

"I'm flattered my lord but I'm not a lady. I'm a bas..." before she finished I cut her off and said while grabbing her hand.

"You're right..." I could see her face saddening for a split second and even Oberyn's face changed. "I shouldn't call you a lady..." the atmosphere got tensed and the snakes were ready to move. I even think there was some disappointment on Ellarias face. "When you are a queen... queen of beauty like a magnificent, yet deadly flower if not handled correctly..." I leaned in and kissed her hand. "My queen why don't you leave the prince and in few years I will show you what a real man is!" I said and smirked at the now smiling Oberyn.

"You know my lord we can take your head for using the queens name right?" Ellaria let me hold her hand as I didn't want to let go to piss Oberyn off more and placed my second hand on hers from the top.

"You mean that gold, crazy slut?" I said not hiding anything from them.

There was a dead silence after a hiss from them.

"What? Do you think that I'm afraid of the kittens? My house power might not be at their level yet, but I'm getting there. And it's not like lions are welcomed here right?" I turned my head to Oberyn and his smile grew even wider.

"On that we can agree Lord Dustin." He came and shook my hand that I pulled from Ellaria's. "So what brings the third richest man in Westeros to our home?" He moved to the table and Ellaria and me came up while holding hands. I wanted to sit on his right, but she did before me and placed me on her lap... Fucking give me back my dignity!

"You could've at least leave me the rest of my dignity you know..." I looked up and meet her beautiful eyes.

"Where's the fun in that?" She replied and hugged me kissing my forehead while the rest smiled.

I looked back at the prince and got serious. "You want revenge right?" His body tensed for a second.

"And why would I want that my lord?" He still doesn't trust me.

"Well your sister, nephew and niece died..." he cut me off with a voice full of venom.

"Murdered! Lord Dustin. They were murdered not died! My sister raped and brutally murdered by the Mountain! My little niece stabbed innumerable times! Her body unrecognizable! My nephew's face had to be scrubbed from the wall! This is not a simple death! And yes! I will have my revenge!" That's exactly what I think he should change. He's too impulsive, not like I'm the one to talk.

"Oberyn..." Ellaria placed her hand on his and the snakes behind him placed theirs on his shoulders.

"What do you want? Why come here just to hear me say it? You know you won't leave here with only one word from my mouth." He again was on a war path.

"What if I say that I can ease your pain?" I gently smiled at him. Such a dedication to family needs to be respected.

"Then I would say that if you don't have the Mountain, Amory Lorch or a Lanister for me then I will play with you." Wow. Didn't expect him to be so angry.

"If it would be your paramount then I would gladly agree but I'm not into men." I said and brought her hand and kissed it again.

"Enough of joking around. Tell me Prince Oberyn is this place safe?" I leaned from Ellaria's lap and whispered to him surprising everyone. "If there are people that you don't trust with your life send them away." I said and leaned back enjoying the feeling of the gorgeous woman's breasts on my back.

He wasn't stupid and knew that with me in Ellarias hands I can't do anything. She discretely patted me three times already looking for a hidden weapon.

He didn't hesitate after his woman nodded I could hear him telling Nymeria to inform the people close by.

"Sweetheart can you tell us why my love just cleared half of the water gardens for?" The beauty asked.

I didn't reply, but nodded at Ser Bryce.

"Prince please send Obara with my guard to retrieve the cargo I have waiting at the entrance. There will be thirty of my guards there. I trust them with my life and they will not leave the cargo even if Ser Bryce goes to them." I looked at him and he understood. "I already am in her gentle hands so you don't have to worry. Let my men come under escort to the entrance. I will tell them to wait there." He nodded said something to Obara again and she left with Ser Bryce right after.