We are no beasts

Proofread by: Akisu.

Two women were sitting quietly at the table with one of them relaxed and the other with two children sleeping peacefully on her arms as she was tense and nervous.

The one with children couldn't take the pressure anymore and asked.

"M'Lady... about me boys..." she said hesitantly.

"It's my Lady and not me boys, it's my boys." Lady Barbrey corrected her. "You need to know how to speak correctly if you are to be my maidservant from now on." she surprised the girl.

"B-but you don't know anything about me m'lad... my Lady, about the Queen and my boys..." she didn't want to bring more troubles to her savior.

"I know all I need to, don't I? Two boys the Queen tried to kill, born about 9 moons after King Robert visited Lannisport. He's a king known for perusing pleasure and drinking, where would he do that if not in the best establishment in the city. Which means..." she didn't have to finish the rest of the sentence but pointed her finger in circle showing their proximity.

"Thank you my Lady..." the beautiful blond hair and blue eyes girl said nothing and kept the lady's goodwill deep in her heart.

"What is your name child." Barbrey asked.

"Jess my Lady." She was embarrassed for not having a surname, but like most of the abandoned orphans there was nothing she could do about it.

"Jess... you will learn from my head maid, she will teach you everything you need to know. We don't expect you to be perfect, but we do expect you to be loyal." with these last words she left the girl and left everything to the older woman that was waiting close to them.

The days passed until a messenger from Lord Lannister came to the Inn inviting the woman to a meeting with the old Lion.

There was nothing more she wanted now as she had enough of staying in one place that wasn't her home for so long.

She wasn't worried about the situation at home as Qyburn went to Neverwinter to manage everything in her stead.

Lady Dustin rode in her carriage up to Casterly Rock stronghold.

Looking out the window she already thought about how to conquer it, but no idea came to her mind proving how magnificent the construction was.

The gates opened as she came out of her carriage with the help of Ser Hadrian, followed by all fifty of her guards while she moved to the castle.

Knowing full well that the rest of her troops were informed about the visit and waited in full readiness for every eventuality just outside the city walls.

She was used to playing the game, so when Ser Kevan Lannister, acting steward to Lord Tywin Lannister led her next to their well equipped garrisons ground to intimidate her she didn't even blink an eye.

She didn't know if she wanted to cry or laugh when she again heard screams of a girl coming from one of the biggest tents with excited Lannister soldiers grouping around it.

She stopped and looked at Ser Kevan who was clearly on edge hearing the same shouts.

Lady Barbrey now understood why her son hated this house so much. Her eyes met their guide's and an uncomfortable moment arose with the woman's shouts getting louder.

Seeing the man not willing to explain anything she decided to risk it this time knowing full well that nothing will happen to her, but her men might not be so lucky.

"Your orders my Lady?" Ser Hadrian knowing her the most, made the decision for her, fully aware of possible consequences awaiting them.

Looking in his determined eyes and the eyes of all the rest of her guards she blamed herself for her soft heart.

'They are true knights' she thought with warmth in her heart' before glimpsing at the numerous Lannister soldiers in their way.

Her men were easily outnumbered two to one, even so she never doubted in her guards victory.

"No weapons Ser Hadrian, no deaths... on any side." she said and her men nodded and proceed to unbuckle the belts with their swords leaving them at their Lady's feet.

Watching it all Ser Kevan already had a headache, interacting with the Lady for some time, he knew she was just like his brother, maybe only less ruthless.

"I do advise against it Lady Barbrey..." he gave his council and watched her men strip out of weapons. Kevan decided to stand on the side and watch, checking the adversary's strength.

"How is it that since I came here I only saw the "noble" house Lannister, attack and try to kill infants and a defenseless woman, now this... Looking at your "noble" house's history of sacking the King's Landing and Castamere I really start to wonder if this is what you wanted me to see Ser Kevan." she said her piece and ignored the man further, even disregarding the fact he was now deep in his thoughts after hearing her words with no comebacks coming to his mind.

The brawl happened without giving the red cloaked beasts any time to react.

First was Ser Hadrian that walked in the closest camp guard's direction, not paying attention to the shouts to stop of the latter.

Seeing the man unarmed and in his armor the blonde guard moved to intercept him just to get headbutted to his arse.

Then all hell broke loose.

Lady Barbrey slowly walked in the direction of the screams, while her men fought all around her.

It's a good thing that the lions at least had enough decency not to use any weapons, just like the unknown for them attackers.

Ser Kevan shaking his head, while they looked at him, definitely helped as well.

Getting closer to the tent, more of Lady Dustin's men were on the ground and yet, the Lannister soldiers force, dwindled even faster.

She walked without stopping, with a masked knight next to her that did not take part in the brawl and just guarded his Lady faithfully.

His counterpart, Ser Bryce already had a number of broken Lannister noses and bones on his tab, so he just continued to fight, until a man with half of his face burned, blocked his way.

They looked at each other before smiling and starting the game.

The sound of fighting was echoing in the surroundings and didn't die down when she reached the tent and the flap was moved out of her way by Ser Arthur.

Inside she saw a beautiful girl being ra*ed by one of the soldiers, crying and begging for mercy with a few coins falling from her hand, while watching all that, was an Old Lion and a dwarf.

Not waiting for her order Ser Arthur moved and kicked the man's knee from the back while making him kneel and soon after, hitting him on the head with his gauntlet.

"I didn't know this is what gets you off, Lord Lannister." she said and moved closer to the traumatized girl.

Lady Barbrey took off Ser Arthur's yellow cloak and gently covered the child of no more than seventeen name days with it.

"Lady Barbrey I presume?" Tywin didn't even react to her words. "It's not a place for a Lady. And this... thing was payed as per her profession." his unwavering eyes at the woman.

"Her profession? You must be jesting my Lord. Was I and my knights the only ones hearing her begging, for it to stop?" she stated the obvious making the dwarf flinch thinking about something. "Giving a woman some silver to take her does not make her a whore Lord Tywin, it still is an act of ra*e, frowned upon by the Gods... yours or mine." Barbrey protectively stood between the man and the girl when the sounds of fighting stopped and five of her bloodied guards came in.

Ser Hadrian, Ser Bryce and three more looked at the situation and came to the sides of their Lady.

It was the first time Barbrey could see the Old Lion flinch.

"Take the girl and our men to our clinic, make sure they are taken care of, use my carriage." she said to no one in particular, still only paying attention to the cunning man.

Before her knights moved she heard the sound of coins falling to the ground and felt a hand grabbing hers.

Lady Dustin turned and looked the girl in the eyes.

"You're safe child... We are no beasts, we know what honor means." she gently said while brushing the victims sweaty and tear stained hair to the side. "Go with my knights..."

"Tysha..." the quiet, full of emotions and trembling voice said.

"Go with my knights Tysha, they respect their vows even while believing in the Old Gods. They will protect you child, make sure to take some moon tea..." she nodded to her men that helped the girl up.

She was a strong woman in Lady Barbrey's eyes.

If the Lady of Neverwinter would have eyes on her back she would be surprised to see old Tywin clearly being unhappy with the progress of the situation.

He could only blame himself for commanding Kevan to intimidate the guests before their meeting.

Before Tysha left she looked one last look filled with disgust on her ex-husband, Tyrion.

"Lord Lannister. Could we get to our business please. I have... pressing matters to attend to." her voice betrayed her unwillingness to stay here any longer.