Hidden Book

Within that dark dilapidated room, a group of youths stood in horror as the human-like pig spoke to them in plain and succinct English. Anxiety erupted in their bodies as they all took a step back until they could feel the walls grazing at them and they all realized that It was a dead end.

While gazing at that monstrous creature. All of them felt that this isn't real. I mean, if a person were to tell you that a pig can walk on its hind legs, has a giant-like stature coupled with being able to speak in English. Do you believe that person? Or believing that he was a crazy nut job all along.

Mister Pyg strode into the room in a leisurely manner, oblivious to his student's fearful expressions.

Meanwhile, Lisa is frightened out of her wits, as her legs grew soft and instantly she flopped to the ground. Soon, a yellowish fluid was seen trickling down her thigh.

"It's not sca...scary at all." Mia encouraged herself who had a pale expression on her face. As she clutched her skirt tightly as if she does not notice that her knuckles grew white from the force she exerted.

Mister Pyg was in a state of pure ecstasy as he gazed at the frightened humans in front of him. Every second his smile grew broader and wider until it was brought closer to his ear. While, looking around, evaluating the students as he walked. He nodded and shook his head several times in disappointment.

"Greetings! My adorable students, and welcome to the Novice Area," Mister spoke to those terrified humans in his vision.

"No...novice Area?"

Someone mumbled quietly to himself, in utter disbelief.

"You're correct junior, it's the Novice Area. First, I'll teach you how to survive long enough to awaken the full capacity inside your bodies." Mister Pyg then went on to discuss more. "My first rules in my class. Is that you can never talk or interact with your classmates nor the instructor during the sessions. "Mister Pyg paused his lesson for a short moment before grinning at a particular someone.

"That's the first warning from you junior." Mister Pyg said, pointing to a chubby young man standing beside Mark. "I won't repeat my words, nor I will take second chances."

Upon hearing that warning, Bob nodded several times, as though life depended on it, indicating that he understood. While doing all this, fear clenched his heart as he realized that this creature had set his sights on him.

"How on earth could he hear me when he was standing that far away?! That mumble of mine is very faint. Even the one nearest to me didn't hear it. I had no idea that speaking on instinct could get you into so much trouble." Bob made a mental note and vowed that he would be more cautious from now on, then cast a quick glance at Mark.

However, seeing that Mark still has that horrified expression on his face. While having his head in a subservient position.

"From the look on his face, he doesn't seem to have heard it," Bob pondered and added, "While that pig is horrifying, he doesn't seem the type to be a bloodthirsty maniac, that's willing to kill for fun. Considering that he's willing to speak to us, even though clearly we're only mere ants before his presence. But just to be sure. I'd better stop talking before I get into more trouble!"

After that brief hiccup. Mister Pyg resumed his lesson.

"The most valuable tool for surviving is your 'Hidden Book,' since it's used for virtually anything on a daily basis. You'll learn more about it as you progress and mature, so do your best and try not to die too early."

"If the case calls for it, the first rule of survival is to keep the book to yourself, and to open your 'Hidden Book,' you must envision a book with having the desire to read. If you only imagine a book without the desire to read, then the book would simply not appear. There's no need to be creative and thinking of a detailed book; because it doesn't matter as long as the book you're imagining is book-shaped."

Mister Pyg said, at the same time, gesturing with his hands, and upon which a mysterious book filled with enigmatic symbols instantly materialized in front of him, which he grabbed nonchalantly.

"From your physical ability to your stamina, this 'Hidden Book' includes all of your qualities. Yet, Its most significant role in the book," Mister Pyg said as the book closed in front of him, "is that it tells you whether you're seriously wounded or severely hurt."

The group, all listened in rapt attention to their teacher, as a familiar voice in their minds telling them that if they missed something, the others would simply leave them behind and as a result, it caused them to feel dread and left out.

"I almost forgot. This book also has the ability to automatically be hidden from others, with the only way for you to reveal it to the public is for you to grant them permission through your mind. Though, if the said person is not willing, you force them into submission." Mister Pyg smirked while looking at them.

As he regarded the group of lower beings in front of him with contempt. Looking as if their minds were transparent and their desires could be read by him.

Subsequently, thinking that humans, even though they were the rulers of the world before the judgment day. Truly believed that what he had seen before it all happened was that humans truly are a disgusting and filthy race.

He had witnessed the atrocities that they've committed for unaccountable years ago. And in his eyes, they were not so different. These pesky humans acted like a tyrant when confronted by someone weaker than them, but will undoubtedly back down when facing someone stronger than them. Based on what he had seen in his life. He believes that the true monsters were not creatures like them. But rather themselves.