The Revelation Of Mankind

The Revelation Of Mankind

Fantasy42 Chapters124.8K Views
Author: BlindBandit
Table of Contents

With the Revelation of the End of the World was prophesied.

The Myths, Tales, and Legends that our ancestors passed down from generation to generation have begun.

The Earth's water rise above the mountains.

Plants and trees fill with dew and blood.

The ground shattered and quacked.

Buildings crumbled and destroyed.

The dead will rise and sit upon their tombs.

Every beast will tremble and look to heaven.

A voice speaks from the Earth below, reaching the sky above, begging God for mercy.

The Angels tremble and the Demons lament.

Four winds will rise and the rainbow falls, driving the Demons back to Hell.

The four elements cry in unison: "Mercy, Jesus, Son of Mary, as you are God and King of Heaven!"

Waking up to be faced with legions of enemies, Bryan Godfrey sat on top of a hill of corpses, bathed in blood, while gazing out into the horizon, murmuring ruefully, "Will this ever end?"


Per week, I publish 4-6 chapters. Each chapter contains 1000-1500 words or more. I'm a novice author who is still learning and writes as a hobby, thus I make mistakes. So please accept my sincerest apologies whether this happens. And do not be timid about voicing your confusion or pointing out any grammatical errors. If you'd like, you're free to drop by. I read every single comment. Naturally, there are some topics I cannot discuss. For instance, if someone points out an inconsistency and I don't respond, it's most likely there for a reason.

Enough of my rambling, Everyone, please stay safe, and thank you for taking the time to read.

Much love and care,

The author, BlindBandit

106 Reviews
Translation Quality
Stability of Updates
Story Development
Character Design
World Background
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Quick author review: Personally, I gave this story a mature, game-like system, bearing in mind the novel's emphasis on gruesome tragedies. The MC, on the other hand, is not your conventional hero rescuing the damsel in distress, but rather an average guy who makes important decisions. "FAIR WARNING" He's not a good guy, but he's also not a bad guy either; it all depends on the scenario. Unless, of course, you read it and judge it for yourself. I've created him as an intellectual male protagonist to the highest standard of my caveman's brain, while also having not too broken talents and limited plot armor. I'm aiming to make this novel as immersive as possible, therefore his plot armor gets thrown away. So, if you prefer heroes or overpowered MC'S, then I'm sorry but I like to take it slow. Of course, as the story progresses, I'll spice up his abilities. Much love, The Author For the release date: Monday-Sunday, 11:30 p.m. (GMT+8)

3 years ago

Quick author review: If the release date and time do not match. Then graciously accept my sincerest apologies to everyone. Because if it does occur. Then I was preoccupied with robbing merchants during that time in order to steal some books for college since this poor little bandit needed to pass. As a result, consider this a future apology to future readers. Once again. Do be careful and keep an eye out for the legendary bandit who is on the run. By the author: BlindBandit

3 years ago

The reckoning of human eyy? I am always up for a good old fashioned apocalypse novel. Is this novel inspired by biblical myths and then video games? Welp maybe I misunderstood. But one thing I know, is that the characters here have punny names, and the MC is willing to learn and grow and be ruthless if that's what matters.

3 years ago

This story revolves around a teenager trying to survive in an apocalypse world with religious overtones set with modern and fantasy elements. The first chapter does a good job of setting the horror one will find upon waking up to Judgement Day, and the feeling remains consistent throughout the rest of the chapters. The writing could use some polishing here and there, but otherwise it is enjoyable.

3 years ago

I read all the chapters released so far and I believe this is very interesting. I felt sad, and laughed at the same time. please keep up the good work! you have a very good idea here!

4 years ago

Background is great. Writing quality is noteworhty. Story development is solid and tension is there. Plot is creative. Characters are great and the dialogue is superb. I would have liked to see a bit more description of how the characters looked and what the setting looked like. The world background seems to be solid and well fleshed out. Good job.

3 years ago

The epilogues are the crucial foundation to this book. The way the author tried to explain the world background is very detailed, and this has helped for the development of the further story. I can't seem to take my focus away from the book, the plot is too intriguing and the characters are awesome!!!! Great Work!!!

3 years ago

Very descriptive and gory, Right up to my taste. Though it was a slow-paced novel, it's very nice to read nonetheless. Good luck on your journey author! I wish you the best.

3 years ago

I don't usually read these kinds of novels as I would be scared for my life. But, what the heck I gave it a shot, and hartie-har har, I've now petrified. Thanks, author!

3 years ago

Simply amazing, good background, characters are lifelike, no grammatical errors, and most especially, very horrifying to read at night and entertaining. !! It's a great book. I recommend.

3 years ago

It's great, and there is plenty of it to read for now since the author is generous! The story is compelling and the idea is refreshing and all of that is packaged in a giftbox of great writing, unique pacing and immense potential. I wish you the best of luck, author and great work for pumping out such good content! Read it! Have a good day!

3 years ago

Didn't see any errors from it. Well-descriptive narration. The title and the prologue is hooking enough for the readers to read the book. give this a read, everyone!

3 years ago

Wow!!! The cover page is stunning! The synopsis is short, but gives an idea of what to expect from the story and makes the reader interested in the plot. The story is really dark... and nicely written. Well done!

3 years ago

Oh my god! This is an incredibly distinct book. The beginning chapters were full of paranormal activity and terrifying to read. I was so scared of what would happen next as I am afraid of horror stories, but I just couldn't stop reading due to the catchy storyline. The writing style is very descriptive, and the author's imaginations are out of this world. All these spark the readers' curiosity. Nice job on creating such a distinct piece, author.💕

3 years ago

Good stuff you got going here! The opening was quite bizarre in terms of description, leaving me a bit confused at times, but it set a good tone for the rest of the story. Keep up the good work!

3 years ago