Gathering of Youths

Bryan swiftly recalled that the entity had given mankind a fighting chance of survival, and everything he needed to do now was to reciprocate by giving it his best.

What he didn't know was what would happen next or what God's plans were for humankind at the time. And for the time being, the only thing he could do was shut his eyes and prepare himself for what was going to happen.

In order to let go of his inner fears, he relaxed his whole body and allowed it to flow with the stream of pressure.

Only a short time later, the pressure on his body came to an abrupt halt without warning.

He took his time and waited for a few seconds before hearing some inaudible voices in the background.

As soon as he heard it, he realized that the situation was under control for the time being.

In his vision, Bryan saw a dozen students sprawled on the ground ahead of him.

Bryan took a few steps back and inspected the unconscious students from a distance; the very first thing he saw was the style and color of their school uniforms, which he immediately noted as a white and dark blue combination.

It occurred to him right away that they all attended the same school, as shown by the fact that their school uniforms were almost identical to his.

The features of the students drew Bryan's attention, and he shrugged when he realized that, despite the fact that they attended the same school, he had absolutely no clue who these individuals were.

Bryan considered the idea that he had caught a glimpse of their features while walking about campus, but he concluded that it had to have been a quick glimpse since he had just a transient impression of them.

Given the large number of students at the university, it was unsurprising that this occurred.

In his vision, two boys and three girls are collapsed on the ground.

Seeing how severely they've all been hurt as a result of such a tremendous pressure pressing down on them earlier. He quickly followed up by thinking why he wasn't knocked out and what was the distinction was between him and them. Since he seemed to be the only one awake.

"What were those strange noises I vaguely heard in the surroundings? Considering that these guys were out cold. Is it possible that I've been experiencing hallucinations all along?" Bryan sat quietly and thoughtfully, taking notes as he considered his views.

Leading to a shortage of clues, his investigations eventually draw to a standstill. After that, Bryan took a quick scan of his surroundings and discovered he was no longer on the campus of the university. And in an instant, unease surged in his heart as his heart rate raced at breakneck speed, along with his pupils constricted with panic emanating from it.

Bryan discovered that his classroom at the school was already transformed into a small, decaying chamber with metal barriers covering the windows to prevent its victims from fleeing and a solitary iron door in the middle to keep them in.

A dim light shone through the ceiling and highlighted his gloomy countenance. Immediately, he realized he was acting too rashly. Upon knowing that, there were a bunch of unconscious students in front of him, he solely concentrated all of his efforts on them. And was being a complete idiot since he was entirely clueless about the change in environment.

Bryan was perspiring excessively as he made a mental point to first assess his surroundings to check if there was anything potentially harmful in his immediate proximity before proceeding. Unless it happened, He'd Die without ever discovering what had killed him.

After an inexplicably long period of time had passed, Bryan saw that the others seemed to have awaken one by one.

n the beginning, they were perplexed as to how they were able to sleep on the chilly pavement, coupled with their groggy state which usually happens when you wake up from a nap.

And it only took a few seconds until the aftereffects of their slumber began to fade and they were able to take a glance about and scan their surroundings, realizing that something was awry when they discovered that they were now trapped within a strange and unfamiliar place.

The group of students seemed to have no recollection of what had transpired or how they had arrived at this location, as shown by the expression of bewilderment on their faces.

And Bryan could see right away that they were uncomfortable in this environment since they were sweating tremendously and trembling violently.

All of the people now present in this room were now fully awake, and the only thing that these individuals recalled and saw when they awoke was that they were in this dark, decaying room with no other people there except for the group of youngsters immediately next to them.

Their expressions turned from their looks of bewilderment displayed earlier on to looks of fear, as they immediately screamed at the top of their lungs and tried to call for help, but to no avail, no one responded.

As their fear of being kidnapped and sold by a gang of kidnappers grew, so did their screams and banging on the door, which became even louder as they realized they were being held hostage and about to be sold by the kidnappers. Especially the girls. In particular, were petrified in their hearts, thinking of the terrible fate they would face when they were all sold out from here.

Because of films, their terrible acts, and the horrific atrocities they had perpetrated, the girls were fully aware of how vile their behavior was, and as a consequence, their names became dreaded by everyone.

And the group of students had this kind of belief that these kidnappers were all a group of scumbags who deserves to be imprisoned for their malicious acts.

Bryan sat silently in a corner, contemplating what they were doing with an expressionless look on his face, and witnessed their frenzied performance.

"The next thing I recalled was a massive explosion and everyone freezing like statues, and after that, I instantly arrived here." Bryan contemplated his situation and as time passed his expression became even grimmer.

Except for that lone figure in the darkness, everyone else in the room seemed to be scared out of their wits, and one of them unexpectedly broke down and in emotional distress. She seems to have given up and surrendered.

She was confused as to how this could have happened to her, seeing that she was the only unfortunate few in the school who had been abducted. In addition, the possibilities of that occurring are close to none, and it seems that lady luck was not on her side this time.

The terrifying atmosphere within the room is the last straw that broke the camel's back and finally broke her down, and tears can be seen welling up in the corners of her eyes along with her clutching her hair like a maniac.

"No, no, no, no, Somebody let me out... Somebody let me out! I don't want to die here! I ask of you to do whatever you want to me; I just want to go home. I swear I won't fight back."

In the darkness, a fearful sob can be heard as one of the girls cried. If this heartbreaking scene was happening outside, men would rush to her aid, and help this defenseless frail girl, but alas, they're all trapped inside this room.

"Is this some kind of sick joke? This is not funny at all! If you don't let us out right now! I'm going to call the cops!"

One of the girls screamed as loudly as she could and attempted to call the police on her phone, but unfortunately, the signal was dead. After seeing that it was futile, she threatened the person who did this to them, but while doing so, her voice cracked up a few times due to fear.

She attempted to maintain a brave front, but she can be seen quivering with fear in little ounces, which does not offer the group a sense of dependability.

It's not surprising that she was frightened beyond belief. Given that she was only an ordinary college student with no experience in dealing with such an ordeal, and it's even a wonder that she could put on such a brave display.

Upon seeing that someone was standing up for them, even though she was obviously terrified, they riled up their courage and pushed it out and as a result, a couple of brave souls threatened the individual who had locked them inside this room.

They pleaded, screamed, cursed, and did all they could to get its attention and get out. But their hopes were crushed as time passed because no one answered to them as it was dead silent outside the door.

As they were all beginning to feel hopeless, a voice from behind them called out to them.