The Mighty Creator

Placing his hands to cover his ears, Bryan grimaced, as he withstood the continual ringing sound filling his ears as a result of that explosion. At the same time making him feel that they were about to burst apart.

A flash of light erupted from the distance as Bryan took a quick glance at it, on instinct. Although witnessing it from afar, the sensation he received was similar to staring at the sun, the only difference is that this whole sun is actually near to his location.

His reckless actions immediately became apparent to him, and he was filled with regret; after such a brief sight of such brilliance, his eyelids felt as if they were on fire!

He couldn't handle the suffering he was going through. Consequently, he quickly closed his eyes to prevent the pain from becoming more intense further.


The wind ruffled his clothing and then hurled shattered glass throughout the room; fortunately, the wind died down as part of the glass withstood the pressure and the room was able to remain intact.

Bryan on the other hand is unharmed as he was not one of the unfortunate few who were injured by the flying glass.

Throughout all of this happening, he was clenching his knuckles tightly, as if his life depended on it, and not even a moment has passed, he screamed in agony, along with his voice quivering frequently due to the excruciating pain.

Slowly, tears began to well up in the corners of his eyes and flow softly down the side of his face.

"Belle?! What happened to her!"

A horrible image flashed across Bryan's thoughts, and he became more terrified. Seeing such visions caused his heart to beat and he was filled with fear.

Soon after the sound and light from the horizon faded from the sky, screams and wails could be heard all across the campus. All anguished screams resonated throughout the halls, sending chills down the spines of those who heard them.

As a result of the tremendous explosion, the students went crazy as well as terrified for their lives when they realized their lives were in grave danger.

Bryan got up slowly from his kneeling posture, a surprised expression on his face as he did so, and looked about. His mind couldn't comprehend what was occurring.

He looked around the room and saw that the whole class was terrified, with tears streaming down their cheeks. It took some time for the whole class to come to terms with the fact that the aftermath was finally behind them.

They gradually opened their eyes in succession.

A thought instantly formed in their minds, as they reflexively sought towards their peers for protection, but instead, all they saw were terror-stricken expressions as well as frightful gazes darting back and forth from each other.

And after seeing their fearful eyes provided them a misleading sense of security. Which promptly worsens their perilous condition and leads them to intensify their fears.

Bryan immediately went to check on Belle, who, despite her outwardly cheerful nature, had a terrified look on her face with tears streaming down her face.

"Help! I'm blinded! Kiera, Anna, Please help me!"

After experiencing a high degree of pain, as she suffered a deep cut on her thighs from the glass and making her vision temporarily blinded. A girl screamed, jolting the whole class out of their trance as if they had been hit with an ice-cold bucket of water on their heads.

"Someone save her! Call for help, immediately!"

Humans, in general, are kind and friendly,

Therefore when everyone heard that plea for help, the group of students rushed to aid each other in any way they could. In the process, though they made several mistakes and seemed to be in a daze while working, they were successful in completing the task at hand.

"Bryan, are you seeing what I'm seeing? Take a good lookout from the broken window; a gigantic mushroom cloud has risen over that area." Belle's eyes were as large as saucers as she spoke in absolute surprise, her voice cracking with emotion.

Bryan turned around and stared into the distance, where he saw a massive dust cloud engulfing the whole region and rising above it.

He came to the conclusion that the explosion would quite certainly cause a significant updraft, stirring up dust in its vicinity and resulting in the brownish smoke mushroom cloud that he could see in his vision.

Given the scale of the explosion, it was assumed that a massive dust cloud would result; nevertheless, seeing it rather than visualizing it, the dust cloud was enormous, with a radius of several kilometers.

Bryan took a deep breath and muttered,

"What in the world is going on?! Why is this happening to us?"

Following his expression of disbelief, a foreign voice suddenly appeared inside his mind and spoke to him in a foreign language.

Although it was surprising to find out, that he seemed to grasp the language, almost as if he had been born hearing it, he was filled with dread soon after.

"Mortal beings, I am the Almighty Father! I am the All-Knowing and All-Powerful God! Behold at what Thou has done to this world. Life is now on the verge of extinction! I've put Thou in this world countless eons ago, to watch after it. Not waste it on the ground! It's something I've since regretted. From now on, I Wilt let humanity face extinction in order to give this world a fresh start. Yet, since I am impartial to everyone, a chance is granted. I Wilt provide Thee with every opportunity to grow stronger. Now, struggle as fiercely as Thou can. Become powerful if you'd like to live; otherwise, death awaits!"

Thereafter hearing that unfathomable voice. Bryan sensed something deep within his core as a human being. In the very state of existence of his being.

This voice gives him the impression that it possessed immeasurable might, as well as the sheer sound of it, leads your knees to buckle and grovel before its figure.

He felt extremely insignificant in its presence, as if he were a mere bug confronted by a human, only to be trodden on and forgotten the next day.

"What exactly is going on? I can't move!"

Bryan pondered uneasily, his pulse pounding with fear as he considered his options.

Bryan did everything he could think of in order to move his whole body, but he was ultimately unsuccessful.

Either he has been biting his tongue in an attempt to wake up or using every ounce of power he could generate in an effort to shift his body, but he has been unable to move despite his efforts.

One such level of power is unheard of, and Bryan could only surmise that it came from a powerful supernatural entity.

He gradually became at ease, knowing that he had done his best and that the only other alternative was to listen to this so-called God speaking to him via his consciousness, which he had chosen.

As a result, he opted to concentrate his attention on his classmates while simultaneously paying rapt attention to that incomprehensible voice, and it was during this process that he noticed that they were all still and immobile.

"It's impossible; they're not moving as well as they should; then, is this entity really God?"

Bryan pondered for a while before becoming startled by his own thoughts. He was fortunate in that he discovered that he could still move his eyes, which he immediately put to use to thoroughly study his surroundings.

In his vision, they all resembled to be mannequins. As if to merely suggest that their bodies couldn't move and that time had stopped all around them.

On the off chance, if Bryan's expression could be changed at this very moment, it would have changed into something dreadful.

Later, his attention was then drawn to the students' faces, where he searched for even the tiniest changes in their expressions, even for a split second, to determine whether or not there was some method of combating their state of stunned paralysis, particularly with their eyes, in order to comprehend what they were going through.

Being fully aware that their eyes might still move, he concentrated his attention on them most of the time.

Those surrounding him, on the other hand, were still paralyzed, but their eyes were creeping about, emitting incomprehensible fear from the depths of their eyeballs.

"Based on what I'm observing, it doesn't seem to be possible to move even an inch."

"Is this some type of nightmare? No way! This isn't true! This is far too realistic to be a dream."

Bryan is uncertain of the answer that was forming in his mind as clouds of uncertainty grew in his heart as he contemplated the situation.

The young man is doing his best to persuade himself that this isn't real, that it's all a great illusion, and that he'll soon wake up and begin his next day at any moment. In Bryan's case, his desires were not granted, as time passed by without him noticing and with that strange voice delivering the last words.

"May the stars align in your favor,"

He was seized with a splitting headache and the sensation that his brain was going to split apart the instant the voice in his mind stopped speaking. It got more painful as time went on and eventually reached a level of at least two-fold intensity.

Because he was able to withstand a considerable lot of discomfort, he was believed to have a rather high pain threshold. What he is feeling right now, on the other hand, is on an entirely another level.

His vision soon grew hazy as it was uncontrollably flickering, like the darkness of the abyss threatening to swallow him whole.

The moment he notices that the environment in front of him is becoming darker, he instantly panicked. As he struggles with shortness of breath and uncontrollable wheezing.

"Am I going to die?"

At his lowest point, Bryan was certain that he would die, but then a ray of hope appeared in his eyes.