The Day of Judgement

During peaceful times, human lives flourished. Between the early 1900s and the early 2000s, the overall human population on the earth increased at an exponential rate. We are currently living in the twenty-first century, which is also known as the Digital Age.

Somewhere in the various clusters of islands that make up the country of the Philippines, which is located somewhere in a rural area.

A tall, young man with a good-looking appearance is lying down on his bed, seemingly unconcerned about anything. Meanwhile, he is clutching a pillow and laying his leg on top of it, as if he were some kind of koala.

The vast majority of people may be unaware of this. But, this is the ideal resting position since it is both comfortable and soothing at the same time.

"Another five more minutes," Bryan murmured, his eyes closed due to his drowsiness.

Pressing his buzzing alarm clock to snooze once again. He frequently considered to himself that his genius was almost frightening, after creating the ingenious approach of setting an alarm every 5 minutes before waking up in order to allow him to sleep deeply.


The door swung open, and a stunning young woman stormed into the room.

"Big brother! You have to get up or you'll be late again!" A youthful voice exclaimed in frustration as she approached at breakneck speed. Moreover, if nothing else stands in her way, she'll be in his bed in a matter of seconds.

"Didn't I tell you to get off the bed, you deadbeat of a brother!" Mira let forth a ferocious snarl.

When she came to a complete stop at the bedside, she threw the blanket across the room. It was clear that she had no sympathy for this jerk from the way she acted.

"I told you to wake up and get out of bed! Are you deaf or what? You're deliberately provoking me, aren't you?"

She had tried not to wake him up too early in the morning, but when she figured he would get at school in the nick of time, if not late. She'd became frustrated. With the situation. As a result, she determined that the charade had to come to an end and that she needed to return her brother to the person he used to be.

Formerly, she would see her brother working out and looking healthy, but now she finds him in a state of disorder, with those enormous bags under his eyes. Despite the fact that he looks to be in good shape, he is not as good as he was years ago when he was at his prime, and she is crushed by the fact that he is uninspired.

Bryan, the perpetrator in question, felt his sleepiness fade as he returned to the world of the living.

In his head, he whined about his younger sister's habit of barging into his room and waking him up, which drives him insane.

"Damn, I forgot to lock the door yesterday."

He had been up all night playing CSGO, and he was fatigued as a result of his recent losing streak against Belle in the game. And when he became thirsty, he walked downstairs to get a drink of water from the refrigerator. Nonetheless, when he returned to his room, he promptly fell asleep on his bed, fully oblivious that the door had been left unlocked the previous evening.

However, he must admit the fact that her younger sister is quite stunning to see to the others. Bryan, on the other hand, feels she is an embodiment of the devil.

An adorable little imp who has discovered her toy and takes great pleasure in tormenting his poor brother's mind.

Bryan considers her annoyance to overshadow her attractiveness in his eyes. If her younger sister has a boyfriend, the poor unlucky chump is in for a wild ride. After taking a closer look at his sister, he saw that she had an oval-shaped face, snow-white complexion, and a slim build.

Her chest wasn't as spectacular as the other, but her exquisite features made her look like a painting that came alive.

"Can't you be as sweet as our next-door neighbor, June? You're such a pain in the ass sometimes." Bryan expressed his displeasure.

"I'm completely free to do anything I want! If you have any issues with it, you should quit being a slacker," Mira growled and stormed out of the room.

When Bryan followed her into the dining room, he sighed dejectedly and stretched his aching back. Following his arrival in the dining room, Bryan was startled to hear his father calling out to him.

"Bryan, firstly, take a bath, then eat; you look awful," Bruce said.

"All right, fine." Bryan yawned as he prepared to leave the room.

After hearing his son's nonchalant response, Bruce Godfrey shook his head in disapproval.

He'd reasoned that he'd have to speak to this boy after school in order to get him to stop his horrible behavior.


After a couple of minutes...

Bryan as usual is perpetually late or comes at the last possible minute, as that is his routine. As a result, Bryan did not see her sister, given the fact that her wild sister is typically on time for school.

Upon seeing that the bus had arrived, Bryan boarded the bus and began his school trip.

After the duration of brewing a cup of tea...

Bryan arrived at school earlier than usual, which is a miracle considering Bryan came ten minutes before the bell rang.

As soon as he walked into his classroom, he saw her seatmate, Belle, toying with her nails out of boredom.

Bryan remembers meeting her many years ago, when he was still overweight, and after a few interactions with her, he realized that they had chemistry, which allowed them to get along from that point on.

Belle is a stunning young lady with long black hair, a towering size, and a teasing personality. Belle is always humorous, and the whole class appreciates having her around.

Bryan is content with her company since she enjoys computer games, something Bryan finds appealing. They've played a few bouts, and she's clearly the greater player.

Being beaten, particularly by a female, is a depressing experience, particularly when she is regarded as a casual gamer, as she is a movie addict, and she spends most of her time sitting about in her room, eating snacks, and watching anime shows.

He had previously played matches against female gamers and discovered that they were terrible at gaming; as a result, he assumed that playing against them would be simple. But it was only until he came face to face with the last boss in front of him, who looked to be in a good mood, as demonstrated by the beaming grin pasted over her face.

"Good morning, handsome! What's the problem? You didn't get enough sleep, did you?" Belle chuckled, a cheeky smile on her face as she did so.

"Please, Belle, give me a break. What's the point of rubbing it in? I didn't lose too badly, and it's just a couple of 1v1 matches. It does happen from time to time." Bryan responded in kind.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk. Bryan, I had warned you that you were much too fragile. Spending more time practicing instead of napping might be beneficial for you, little boy." Belle flashed a proud grin as if she were an undefeated commander who had just won a war.

"I see you didn't get a wink of sleep last night; I think the loss was too much for you to bear," Belle teased Bryan, making an upside-down thumb gesture with her right thumb.

Bryan pinched his brows as he heard her remarks, irritated by her constant nagging of him.

"Hmm, which part of me is little? I think I'm well endowed, though." Bryan reacted with a sly look.

"Uh-oh... I was joking, But, I had no idea you were such a bully." As she coughed, Belle's cheeks became crimson.

Not a moment later, she dashed off to converse with her friends, as her heart raced.


Unknowingly, time moved from minutes to hours in the blink of an eye.

In that period of time, the usual routine is followed: Listening to the lecturer, munching snacks beneath the table, squabbling with Belle, and falling asleep.

Bryan slept peacefully at his table, as shown by the drooling saliva on the surface.

"Rise and shine, Bryan. Class is about to end, and if you don't, a particular someone will swallow up all your lunch, since her victim is such a sleepyhead."

After a little nudge to Bryan's shoulder, Belle spoke into his ear in a voice that resembled that of a thieving cat.

"Every day, Bryan, a large number of people, particularly children, go hungry. It's ok if you don't feel like eating. I'll gladly partake on your behalf while considering all the hungry children."

"Be my guest, and is it just me, or have you become a little chubby on the sides?"

Hearing that soft voice and hot air next to his ear, Bryan's ear got a little ticklish, as he wiped the drool from his lips.

"Humph, I was simply trying to help you in getting started on a diet. It's not like you've changed, fatso." With her brow furrowed and a strained smile, Belle replies to the situation. At the same moment, she raised her hand and reached into her pocket for a piece of candy, unwrapped it, and placed a green ball into her mouth.

Her face began to take on a happy smile as time went on.

"If I find you nodding off again, it's not my fault if your food mysteriously disappears one by one," Belle sarcastically said.

'Definitely, I'm not going to let some female crook get the better of m-,'


As Bryan was about to complete his sentence, all of a sudden, it was interrupted by a tremendous explosion from far away.

Its shock waves accelerated to supersonic speeds as they tore through the air, annihilating the surrounding area in seconds and shattering the school's windows into razor-sharp shards as it raced inside the rooms.

The number of people that died as a result of the calamity is unfathomably high. Since the bomb's power was so tremendous that it annihilated the whole surroundings, the human body would have no chance and would be melted into oblivion as a result of the explosion.

From the distance, screams could be heard coming from hordes of scared individuals.

The explosion broke apart many residences as the structures plummeted and crumbled, causing many victims to have their wounded torsos ripped open and squished by the adjacent debris.

Dust was everywhere in the air, giving off a murky stench of blood that permeated the entire area.

In an instant, the crowd ran, resulting in a stampede, in which many people died as a consequence of their terrified state of mind, however, the elderly have been the most severely affected since they have been abandoned by their loved ones, and as a result, they have suffered the most.

Those who refused to leave until their grandparents had been safely evacuated were crushed to death in the stampede, their deaths being in vain.

Since they were fortunate enough not to be killed by the explosion, but rather by their own people, their dying breath was filled with astonishment.

Unbeknownst to Bryan, this day would be regarded in the future as "The Judgement Day," when humankind was reminded of its demise.