Lies and Deception

[WARNING: This Chapter Mentions explicit descriptions of swear words]

Bryan's anger was in full display as he glared at the giant pig that stood motionless beside the door.

His knuckles made crackling noises, as he clenched them firmly, subsequently, veins appeared on his forehead. His eyes became bloodshot as if showing that if he hadn't been weak enough, he would have ripped this pig to shreds.

Upon seeing Bryan's anguish, Mister Pyg licked his lips instinctively as he took delight in this rascal for messing with him earlier.

"I can assure you, Brat! I haven't rigged the game in any way," Mister Pyg said, pausing before continuing, "But I do have the idea as to why that happened. The game, or rather, the system known as you're Hidden Book, notices you. And if the players are not advancing at a consistent rate, it immediately brings a sense of impending doom to the players.

Bryan remained motionless, as his anger slowly dying out and adopted into a solemn look. As he pondered those words in his mind.

"I had no idea that the system can change the game by itself. I assumed that the game would continue until we apprehended the murder, but I was mistaken." Bryan reflected. "It seems that the system modifies the rules by itself to keep the players from taking a break."

Soon, Bryan felt an indescribable pressure on his back and turned to face the others, at the same time, wiping the sweat from his forehead as it seems that his sweat is inexhaustible while playing this game.

[Time remaining: 59 seconds]

All of a sudden, a mechanical voice suddenly rang out in their minds, as it was reminding them that time waits for no one and that if they do not act soon, they will perish.

"Is it really possible for me to save everyone? Do I really have the strength to pull it off? I... assumed it would be easy... But this..." Bryan's trust in himself dwindled, and his breathing became ragged as if he were going to pass out.

The trio of young women exchanged fearful glances with each other while licking their drying lips, their breathing became ragged, and their mouths became unexpectedly dry.

The trio of young women felt that they were severely dehydrated and in desperate need of some water to quench their thirst.

Subsequently, feeling that this game was too much for them to take, All of a sudden, they found themselves transitioning from a leisurely life in school to a deadly game that dictated their lives. All of them are not prepared for this level of change.

"I... I think Mi... Mia is the murderer!"

Out of the blue, a terrified scream reverberated across the room as Lisa exploded in fear; the terror of death was creeping up on her, and she didn't want to die.

Hearing that she was accused, Mia's face instantly paled as she prepared to respond. But she couldn't form the words outside her mouth because her mouth felt it was too dry.

Then she exhaled and licked her lips before shutting her eyes and opening them again, and what she saw shocked her.

She glanced around at the others and she couldn't believe it; their eyes were full of suspicion as if they had condemned her to death. It's as if the murderer was truly her, and she was the one who was going to kill them all.

It seems as if there is no room for excuses because the perpetrator has already set it in stone, and all that is required is a unanimous decision to exclude this murderer from the group.

She stammered a response while gazing at those suspicious eyes, and she could be heard babbling a few sentences to the rest of the group. " It's not me... Please believe me... I'm not the murderer... I don't know who it is, but I can assure you it's not me!"

After feeling that something was off, Bryan screamed at Lisa, and cut off the words that she was about to say next, "Lisa, please! Have you forgotten? You would immediately die if you blamed someone without proof!"

"Bryan, if you like to be involved in other people's business, then you must've found a way to track down the murderer. Right!?"


"Seeing that you have no said to this matter, then stop bothering me, as I have the guts to figure it out for myself," Lisa retorted angrily in response to Bryan's remarks.

"Lisa, you need to calm down, Bryan's right, don't do anything hastily, or you'll get yourself killed," Sophia added fearfully.

"Sophia! Could you shut your mouth? I'm totally sane and am in control of my emotions! If you don't want to help. Fine! Just stop distracting me!"

Lisa hadn't forgotten that important matter at all, that if she falsely charged an innocent player, both the accused and the accuser would perish. But what could she really do? The clock is ticking, and the murderer has yet to be found.

Earlier, she would have preferred that Bryan stepped in and manage to find the murderer at ease, but she was extremely saddened upon seeing that Bryan is such a wimp.

While thinking all of this, she sobbed uncontrollably with tears streaming down her eyes. Unexpectedly, a blue screen emerges in front of her, as if tempting her to agree to it.

[Do you agree Mia is the murderer?]

[Once authorized, the user is unable to undo what has already been done.]

[YES] [NO]

Lisa stared blankly at the blue screen in front of her, unable to respond to its choices; and if she does agree to it and Mia wasn't the murderer all along, Then she'd die with her, and the feeling of death alongside that uncertainty forced her to a stop as she weighed her options.

[Time Remaining: 20 seconds]

Everyone heard that familiar mechanical voice in their minds and they were absolutely terrified.

They couldn't believe how quickly time flies and Lisa couldn't take it any longer, as soon as she realized there were just twenty seconds left. And she must make a decision now or die. Yet she is torn between saying No and saying Yes.

She cast a covert look at Sophia and discovered her in distress, as well as Bryan, who appeared to be nearing the end of his rope.

She did so to see if she was doing the right thing here and if there was something sinister about the two of them, but she found nothing concerning in their faces. So she let it slide.

Sophia succumbed to the pressure and couldn't bear it any longer; as she's seen weeping her heart out, and Bryan, too, seems to be emotionally shattered, as his eyes were slowly turning red and tears gathering at the corners of his eyes.

His typical swift wittiness and reliable self are long gone as if they didn't exist.

His mind is in disarray and the thoughts to leave this place are constantly ringing in his mind, as if telling him to abandon his comrades and to only save himself from dying.

[Time Remaining: 15 seconds]

Mia knew that she's likely to be the one to be sacrificed as she took the brunt of the blow when Lisa accused her earlier and upon realizing that, her mind instantly snapped, as she screamed hysterically,

"Sophia, I think you're the murderer! Why are you so unusually quiet in this game? Lisa, who is easily frightened, is seen making tough decisions! And you? The supposedly medical practitioner that saves countless lives is not making a hint of helping? It has to be you! I promise guys! She's really suspicious, please trust me on this!"

"What!? I... It's not me, I swear," Sophia cried uncontrollably as she stammered a response but couldn't finish it.

She wished that this was all a mistake and that it was all one big nightmare. And that she could wake up soon and resume his lifestyle at college.

She wished to return home, see her mum, and play with her friends. But it seems, that her wishes won't come true, as Mia seems to have suspected her.

Bryan was about to warn Mia not to accuse anyone, but as he was about to do it, he stopped himself as, he had already exceeded his limit a long time ago.

At the same time, his mind was in shambles; as if he didn't know what was right and wrong anymore. It was all filled with fog, not knowing the direction to go to.

He then ridiculed himself for being overconfident, believing that this would be an easy game to fulfill, but where does that lead him? Nothing! Absolutely Nothing!

"Is this pathetic bastard really me!? Is this the real me? I've become dependent on others, and I've turned into someone who is at mercy by relying on other people's actions? Fuck! I'm a total fucking loser!"

[Time Remaining: 12 seconds]

"Mia! It has to be you! You are the murderer! You're clearly wreaking havoc on the team in order to confuse us and take us down one by one! It's got to be you! There's no other option and there is no one else who is doing this but you!" Lisa yelled at the top of her lungs, her voice visibly cracking as a result of her unrelenting screaming.

"WHAT!? You Bitch! You didn't even interview me to see if I really was the murderer! How dare you accuse me when it's obvious that it's not me!"

Mia couldn't stop herself from hitting Lisa on the nose as she seems to be only targeting her in the whole game. As if she has a vendetta against her.

Lisa's nose broke, splattering blood on her face, and she felt a wave of weakness wash through her.

"Mia! What are you doing!? You need to stop right now! We don't have much time as it is, and you two are fighting about something that obviously isn't serious."