

A few minutes ago before his death...

Following the scene in which Mister Pyg completed his explanation of the Hidden Book to the group of youths. After that, he gave the group permission to check their status for the time being.

And upon hearing that. The group complied.

"I don't think I'll be able to kill that monster with brute force alone; I'd better check my status to see if there's anything I can use," Mark formulated a plan and then willed for his Hidden Book to appear and fly towards him. And after it was close enough, he grabbed it and willed the pages to move to a corresponding page.

Name: Mark Carson

Level: 0

Experience: 0/1000

Attributes – none

Energy: 8 (10)

Dexterity: 7 (10)

Physique: 8 (10)

Intelligence: 8 (10)

Skills: None

Special Skills: None

Skill Points: 0

Condition: Unsteady Condition

"My status is horrible. I'm essentially cannon fodder at this rate if my status is like this." Seeing that his status is awful, and it was even well below the average stats of a human being. It gave him a massive fright. "Am I really this weak? I'm aware that, even though I'm lazy, I thought that I could at least get something that's above average." After his pondering, he shook his head in dismay, thinking, I should have exercised more when I had the chance before it all happened. But alas, there's no medicine for regret. So he was left disappointed.

"Having a status as horrible as this, then I won't be able to survive! Particularly if I'm up against that monster... What do I do!? Think Mark Think!" In his mind, Mark screamed and was trying to come up with a solution to his predicament.

Mark's head hurt as he pondered a solution to his dilemma, and he was having great success in coming up with a solution a couple of times as he had a plethora of ideas. Yet he gave up on all of them because they were too difficult to be fulfilled.

"What is the most effective way for a weakling to defeat a more powerful opponent? If we had to base it into the modern world... Then that would be strategies, weapons, and ski-" His thought's got interrupted when his eyes suddenly twinkled in delight while in the process of formulating a plan.

"The way of self-harm or rather the double-edged sword is the only way for a weakling to defeat a stronger foe! You can only win some by losing some. And I don't believe the fact that I don't have any chances of successfully killing that monster! And even if we were to go with that analogy, then it's practically saying that this process would be just a massive waste of time!"

He stopped thinking for a moment to delved deeper into his thoughts and continued.

"But because nothing in this world is absolute. And knowing that If one door closes then, another one opens. Then this book would be able to provide me a solution to counter this dilemma." That inner monologue must have taken a long time to think about, but Mark finished it in a matter of seconds.

"Eureka! I've got it!"

Lo and Behold, Mark saw the light at the end of the tunnel and was confident in defeating that monster. After realizing a new idea, his body was filled with joy. He then pondered deeply and wished from the bottom of his heart for the phrase, "Self-Destruction."

[Congratulations on discovering a secret feature]

[The system congratulates you on your awakening]

[Warning: This feature is extremely dangerous and can result in death]

Mark suddenly heard some mechanical notifications in his mind and then after that, a set of following terms suddenly appeared in Mark's book. He then saw that the letters were colored red to look like blood. Along with a grey square at the bottom of it, as it read "Self-Immolation." After seeing that newly discovered feature. Mark became engrossed in his book and read the following words with great attention.


[The host will be engulfed in a blood-colored flame that consumes the host's potential and life force. It has a burning effect based on how high the host's ability is. However, this function cannot be switched off by the host and it is extremely dangerous; it will remain active until the host's body is consumed by fire and turned into ashes.]


Before the host's body will be reduced to ashes




Having the desire to end everything


"I've got it! Finally," While Mark was celebrating his accomplishment, he cast a discreet glance at Mister Pyg's direction and contemplated his next step as he was thinking along these lines.

He had obtained the Self-Immolation feature due to the fact that he believes that the potential to become stronger is meaningless in his view as he thought that the risk of death will happen at any moment and now and it would soon come knocking on his door.

His fear and concern in attempting to survive the present situation pushed him to new heights, and something clicked on his mind and by doing so it immediately awakened something inside him and as a result, it made him more confident in surviving.

He pondered that he's going to threaten Mister Pyg into compliance by using this new feature of his and to get any advantage possible to save his own life and especially Bob's.

And If that creature is not dumb enough and wishes to live. Then he must accept some conditions of his, and by doing so, they can have a temporary truce.

If not, then it's game over for him. However, if it does come true and if the situation allows it. He can let the others live as well if he were able to succeed in his plan.

He knows that it is risky, but he doesn't have any choice. After thinking like this, a flash of determination streaked in his eyes.

If he ever survives this ordeal, he'll think about the future at a later date. As he has more important matters to attend to and he couldn't afford to get distracted.

But unknowingly for Mark, in the soon-to-be future. He didn't manage to survive this ordeal, and along with his journey in becoming a stronger existence didn't come to fruition.


Returning to the present...

After seeing the battle between the pig-like creature and the fearless young man, Bryan couldn't help but be shaken to the core thinking along the lines, "How did he manage to injure that monster!? Was he hiding his true power the whole time? But... That's impossible... we were all transported here at the same time! Surely he couldn't have that much power in him, as it only just begun! So how did he do it? And what was that fire he unleashed... Was that a skill?"

On the other hand, the rest of the youths were also taken aback by what had occurred, and they watched in terror as the blood-colored blaze failed to extinguish the creature.

They all gazed at that imposing figure ahead of them, having the steam of the flame encircling his entire body. And a pair of bloodshot eyes can be seen within it and was staring at them in unrestrained fury.

Upon seeing that change, the rest of the group seriously regretted not running out and never returning, and now that Mister Pyg's situation has stabilized, they're doomed!

"What on earth was he thinking? Why did he want to infuriate that monster? We'll all be trailing him to his deaths! And now that monster will surely kill us due to what he did! I should have known that young man was a troublemaker, "Mia viciously blamed Mark in her heart. "If you're going to die, then go die alone; don't get us involved."

"What do we do now? Now that he's enraged, we're all going to die!" Sophia immediately thought in her heart as she made eye contact with Mia, who was standing right next to her. At the same time, they made eye contact with each other and saw the despair apparent in their eyes, and after seeing that. It further escalates their situation.

Afterward, they then turned away and looked at Bryan. But when they saw him, they were both petrified.

Knowing that the strongest member of the group isn't doing anything. And was just there lying down on the ground and not moving. They both took a step back upon realizing it and were in disbelief.

Mister Pyg howled furiously at the group of youths, "Now. You're all going to die in this place! I'll eat your hearts, rip off your spines, and use your skull as a cup in order to wash away the humiliation that happened here today!" Mister Pyg roared as his shoulders bulged, his hair stood up like spikes, and his eyes became bloodshot. The air surrounding him thickened once again and the pressure they were bearing earlier was back.

"I'll start with you," Mister Pyg said, at the same time, striding towards Bryan.