Self Immolation

[WARNING: This Chapter Mentions explicit descriptions of death]

As soon as heard that demonic voice, Mark threw up a mouthful of blood, which trickled down his lips. As he replied sternly, "I may have lived. A wonderful life... But death is nothing! But to live in sorrow is to die every day." While saying this, he held Mister Pyg's arm tightly and added, "Don't you think so?"

A confused expression appeared on Mister Pyg's face, and it slowly turned into ridicule, " It seems that you're now thinking straight! I must applaud you for your efforts, but you're really dumb, aren't you?! Hahaha.." He paused for a brief moment, chuckling, as he said, "Beg for mercy, and I'll grant you a swift death."

Hearing what that monster said to him, Mark smiled slightly in response, taking a deep breath for one last push, saying, "Self-Immolation."

Instantly, Mark felt a surge of a burning sensation inside his body, feeling as if he was burned inside a volcano as it melts his skin down to his bones slowly in an excruciating manner.

Subsequently, his Hidden Book immediately appeared in front of him. And, to the other's surprise. It was engulfed in flames and immediately afterward a slightly burned odor proliferated in the air.

The ball of flames floated there uncontrollably like a raging ball of fire ready to explode. With its light so bright, it was blinding! Soon, it illuminated the surrounding area with a blood-colored glow.

Meanwhile, not a moment has passed, as Mark's willpower crumbled, as he screamed in utter agony. The thought of wanting to die in order to be free from this pain was bursting through his mind. But to his dismay, he felt as if a mysterious power was compelling him to remain alive and to endure this unbearable agony until his body gave out and he dies.

Seeing that small flame. Mister Pyg's pupils dilated, and his heart swelled filled with fear. As he yelled hysterically, "You Dare?!"

The book's initial flame is fist-sized, but as time passes, it soon covered Mister Pyg's arm as well as the young man's figure.


Mister Pyg lets out a deafening howl as he shatters Mark's screaming figure and crushes it into pieces.

Mark once again tried to scream in pain, but Mister Pyg's fury for this brat was so intense that he continued to bash the young man's corpse into the ground again and again and again. Even though the body is already indistinguishable and was already dead because of the heavy blows it received.

In doing so, blood splattered across the ground, turning it into a crimson shade of red. Along with, Mark's flesh was seen being turned into meat paste as the flame still continues to burn his body from the inside out.

Seeing that gruesome scene unfolding in front of them. Bryan and the others felt their stomachs churning, and some of them even threw up their breakfast, along with tears and snot streaming out from their faces. Thinking that this is far too cruel and inhumane!

Lisa gripped her head and chanted inwardly, "Nononono, This cant be! I must be dreaming right!? Haha..."

Earlier, she tried to throw up but Bryan forced that vomit back to her mouth. At the same time, temporarily using his other arm, which was used on closely hugging Lisa earlier, into his mouth and forcing back the acidic substance going up to his throat back to whence it came from.

After seeing that the young man's body has been dealt with. Mister Pyg's anger abated and then immediately dashes towards Bob's dead body. Subsequently, piercing his arm inside, and tried to extinguish the fire using its blood.


That blood-colored flame burned intensely, and even after the passage of time, it still refuses to go out and remains at the same temperature as before.

Upon seeing this, Mister Pyg felt terror once again, wondering when will this fire going to go out and at the same time, cursing that brat for dealing him with such a lethal blow.

He soon realized that things were getting out of control, so he grabbed Bob's body and attempted to squeeze the blood out of it, hoping to put out the flames once and for all. At the same time thinking angrily, "If you really want to die with this brat, even if it means losing your life. Then both of you should go to hell!"

Fortunately, for him, even though the temperature that was emitted from the fire was so hot and seemed to be endless. It soon faded due to the fact their bodies were too weak to be used as fuel, and eventually, their bodies were slowly reduced to ashes and scattered on the floor.

"How dare he!? How dare that brat!" Mister Pyg roared, his eyes flashed with blood lust, and he trembled at the thought that a mere human had managed to injure him.

The humiliation he was experiencing is out of this world. Thinking that a mere lesser life form! A mere ant on his eyes! A mere being that has the state of existence significantly lower than his! Had unexpectedly managed to wound his body!

After thinking like that, he howled even more than time passed and lamented the fact that the brat was no longer alive and that he can no longer be able to torture that brat by roasting his entire body and hearing his cries of anguish and suffering.

Later on, as Mister Pyg examined his arm, the first thing he noticed was that the hair had been burned off and the skin's surface had become blackened like charcoal, along with a foul odor in the air. His nerve endings had stopped functioning due to the severity of the burn when he tried to test it out by attempting to move his arm, and the burned area is tight and rough, making it difficult for him to move it.

"I never expected a rookie to know about the self-immolation feature. That move covers the entire body with fire from burning from the inside out, and it can only be used when the host's situation is extremely desperate and is incapable of turning the tides and further on, that said host must also be ready to go to take extreme lengths to achieve the specified goals,"

Mister Pyg looked down at his arm, regretting his hasty actions; he should have killed the puny human with one strike, canceling the self-immolation. But there's no medicine for regret in this world. So he let it slide.

"Fortunately, the Self-Immolation is indeed powerful, but it is fueled by the target's potential; and the more power the host has, the stronger it could be. Yet that kid's potential must be incredible. Knowing that he managed to wound me, even though this burnt arm will soon be healed. This feature however cannot be underestimated, as it is extremely rare and it will only appear on a selected few. Fortunately, he's dead. Or else if I was to face that kid in the future, and if the off chance that he successfully matures, then it would have been a grueling battle."

Mister Pyg clenched his injured fist while taking notes of his injuries.

"If that fire was strong enough, then the host's body will burn into a crisp on an instant; but, that boy is far from powerful since he had lasted far longer. I do feel slightly better knowing that he experienced excruciating pain at the last moment. And his sacrifice only resulted in a minor burn on my arm that should only heal in a matter of hours. Though it is a great feature if the host is nearby and manages a guaranteed blow if not then the body will be reduced to ashes before that. The fight would be over in an instant, while useful in certain cases, it's a pointless feature most of the time." Mister Pyg ruminated as he gazed at the terrified humans in his vision.

"Even I don't know the book's maximum capabilities, I need to be more vigilant; if not, then sometime in the future would soon become my downfall."