Hand Signals

Bryan knew that he needed to act quickly or else Mia and Lisa is would be slaughtered in a heartbeat.

He then thought of a strategy using only a few moments of his time, while removing the hand that was hugging Lisa's body, at the same time still clamping the other one to her mouth, and then feeling that it was good enough. He slapped his palm vigorously against the wall in order to draw the attention of the other two young ladies.


In an instant, a loud noise was heard in the room and in some way interrupted Mister Pyg's lecture. And startling the two young women out from their fear and they instantly looked in his direction.

Upon seeing that his lecture was suddenly interrupted by some insolent brat, a vein popped out in Mister Pyg's forehead and was about to become enraged and kill this brat immediately but he suddenly stopped in his tracks and coughed at that brat in front of him.

"Is there a problem here, bra- ahem... Young man? Is there perhaps something in your mind that you would like to share with the rest of the class?" Mister Pyg looked at Bryan and then added, "Don't be shy, I won't bite." Afterward, he plastered the gentlest smile on his face.

Hearing that voice, Bryan ignored that murderous pig and seemed to only focus his attention on the other two young women while still repeatedly slamming his palm against the wall, for them to know to look at him in rapt attention.

The two young women were immediately taken aback by Bryan's audacity and upon seeing that, he seemed to be ignoring that monster's question like he was some kind of nuisance and looking as if that massive behemoth of a pig didn't exist.

His sheer display of boldness instantly enraptured the two young women's eyes and they became deeply concerned about his well-being. Knowing that he was making an enemy with a massive monster that has the strength to butcher a person in a matter of seconds. And it might anger him to some great degree and as such Bryan dying in a meaningless manner.

The two young women were currently worried about Bryan's actions, but slowly but surely it slowly changed into an expression filled with horror at the same time shivering intensely in fear. Since, they realized that, after finishing up with Bryan. The next person to die would be the both of them.

Earlier, they were only thinking about getting this over with and waiting for the lesson to end as soon as possible so that they could get out of here as fast as they can and never coming back to this horrible place, but then they saw Bryan doing something unusual, and as a result, they were both shocked and frightened.

"What really is he up to?... Don't tell me that he's trying to kill himself like those two? They've all gone insane! They've all gone mad! Isn't it obvious that he's no match for that monster? Is he perhaps mentally retarded?" While being extremely terrified, Mia mistook Bryan as a psychopath after hearing that noise he made.

Sophia, on the other hand, also has that same fearful expression on her face. As she subsequently glanced towards Mia's direction, as if indicating to Mia that she didn't know what Bryan is trying to tell us, as she, too is confused about his actions and is shocked by his odd conduct.

When he saw that the two young women were all looking at him with full attention, he immediately interacted with them through his hand, by using hand signals, as he knew for the fact that making a single sound meant certain death. So he thought of a way to avoid making a sound, at the same time still communicating with both of them non verbally.

He paused for a moment to consider a movement and then after that, He made a shush gesture before imitating someone speaks and then pointing in the direction of Mister Pyg.

Upon seeing that shushing gesture they were initially perplexed as to why it was telling them to be quiet, and then they looked at him fixedly in order for them to completely understand him.

Both of their minds were still cloudy as to what Bryan was actually attempting to say. So they stared at it longer, and after a while, they almost caught on to it, But then, they were interrupted by a familiar voice speaking next to them.

"Do you hear me, young man? I'm talking to you... "Mister Pyg said to Bryan after seeing that he seemed to be unresponsive to him.

Hearing that voice, Bryan still continued to disregard that large pig as if he didn't exist, and began to teach the two young women not to utter a single word or make a single sound so that the massive pig would not be able to kill both of them meaninglessly. While they were communicating in hand signals, Bryan kept his signals as clear and descriptive as possible and matching them with his movements along with his mouth to make them understand it a lot better.

"What do you think? Is he attempting to convey a message to us? What exactly is it?" Bryan's actions were scrutinized by the two women, who stared at each other with puzzled expressions on their faces and thought, "A hushed gesture and then accompanied by some speaking? After that... He seems to be pointing to that monstrous pig?" The two women were initially perplexed, but as time went by, the clouds of doubt in their minds began to lift, and they gradually realized what he was trying to tell them.

Both of the two young women soon realized that Bryan was helping them, and their eyes immediately became watery, since despair was always around them, and recognizing that someone in this nightmarish place is trying to help them while knowing that it would be dangerous in doing so. But he did it nonetheless, and they felt a sense of reliance on that broad figure of his.

When Mister Pyg saw that, this puny human was now obviously ignoring him flatly to his face, his rage that had been suppressed earlier exploded like a dam being destroyed by the raging water and was now coursing through his veins.

The blood in his body became boiling hot and was overflowing with unbridled fury! Immediately, a vein protruded from his forehead and was threatening to burst.

"How dare this brat became so disrespectful to me! It's has been a long time since I've seen someone being so daring in my presence. Now, in this good-for-nothing novice zone, I have experienced this feeling once again. I have must applaud this lower life form for doing so. Previously, a bothersome fly was acting all tough and by some stroke of luck managed to wound me, but due to his foolish actions, he was given an agonizing death!" Mister Pyg pondered in his mind as his anger reached a tipping point. Thinking, this room number 6 sure knows how to fill someone with rage in a small amount of time!

Mister Pyg took a closer look at what was going on and added, "It seems that this brat is showing those little girls how to evade my loophole." Mister Pyg's expression darkened and continued, "If I start slaughtering all the humans under my influence, then I would be severely punished! I should give these brats a shot even though the other one is just a slightly bigger and smarter ant since they're all trying their best, and coupled with the fact that I'm trying my hardest to become a good attendant. I'll let this slide and turn a blind eye to it just this once." Mister Pyg's anger slowly subsided as he analyzed their hard work and perseverance in staying alive, and was now shocked that this lone male brat is such a fast thinker.

Mister Pyg nodded slightly, thinking that this is the best quality to get in order to survive in this dangerous world from now on. But, what a pity, a person with the self-immolation feature has arrived, and possessing that feature is an indication and a sign of having boundless power deep inside you. But that person is dead, and a brat with a swift mind can't close the difference between their vastly different potentials.

If that brat with the self-immolation feature had held himself back and waited for the opportunity to challenge him in the future, then he wouldn't be confident in his ability to beat that brat. Now that he's unlocked his full power.

But he isn't afraid of another life and death battle. And he would have relished that battle in full glory. Knowing that the road he took is not filled with sunshine and rainbows, but he had killed countless lives to get here today, which if they were to pile it up on top of the other then it would have formed into a mountain full of corpses and forming a massive river filled with blood.