
A crowd of people strode into the white space, all of them were fascinated and feeling as if they were in a magical fairytale, with nothing but white anywhere where their eyes could see.

Meanwhile, Bryan is surprised by this and looks up to see the ceiling; and it appears to be a perfect white cube from the inside, with six square faces, facets, or sides, and three meetings at each vertex.

The white cube room is sealed tight, with no way out save for the closed human-faced doors in its walls, tens of them plastered there, motionless.

In the process of all of this, Sophia was downcast and expecting to be rejected, yet when she realized that Bryan had accepted her request, her heart forthwith leaped with joy.

She understood that Bryan wouldn't trust her the same way as he did before everything took place, and he'd be subtly wary of her every movement, but despite that, he's the only person that she knows in this place, so sticking with Bryan is her safest and best choice.

As for the person responsible for her happiness, Bryan, currently has a deadpan expression on his face and may have appeared to welcome Sophia's request to join him nonchalantly, but she didn't know that he had been repeatedly inspected her soul a multitude of times.

While doing so, he noticed that her soul is white on the inside but black on the outside. Similar to observing a boundary between fresh and saltwater, each with its distinct hues on its side. ​

He promptly investigates what such symptoms may signify, and If he had to factor it by color, the color white would clearly represent her goodwill, while the color black would suggest something murky.

"Based on my observations, she's a good person deep down, as the color white resides deep in the core of her soul, though it's gradually being tainted by the darkness that's coming from the surface area, indicating that she isn't necessarily a martyr and would be willing to sacrifice other people's lives to save herself, yet it's good enough for a team member. In the meantime, I can trust her most of the time as long as we are not in any perilous situations that are beyond our abilities to conquer; all things considered, she can be trusted, though I should still be cautious in her company just in case.

He then stopped his skill, to reflect on his findings, previously, Bryan had intended to utilize his Lesser Evil Eyes to scrutinize Mister Pyg as his actions considered oddly suspicious.

However, At the back of his mind, he backed off at the last second and had second thoughts, knowing that Mister Pyg would have detected him if he did so. As their respective levels are words apart, particularly Mister Pyg possessed unfathomable abilities that he deemed unreadable, and what if he were to notice him sneaking a peek while using his skills, which can result in catastrophic consequences if he were caught. and such, his mushed-up body would have been a sight to see by the people in that hallway, as a grotesque work of art.

Done with his pondering, Bryan tilted his head slightly and beckoned Sophia to follow him as he looked for an open spot to sit.

He still has a lot to talk about with Sophia, and he decided that now is the time to do it, as they have plenty of time to spare.

Seeing that signal, Sophia understood Bryan's intention and silently followed from behind while looking around the room hoping that she could spot someone she could recognize.

Unfortunately. it's all crowded with people with unfamiliar faces popping out every now and then, as she realized that it would take forever to find someone she knew; as it'd be like looking for a needle in a haystack.

While striding, towards some open space, Bryan had similar thoughts, that locating someone in this place is not only difficult but also dangerous. Knowing that a person shouting for help would undoubtedly present himself as weak and vulnerable to others, yet it does not imply he will not search for his family afterward; he only has to be discreet.

In this place, it is fairly common to see individuals searching and calling for their preferred person in this area. However, they didn't realize the fact that some wolves were mingled in with the sheep, and that while some individuals may be helpful, others may have malicious intentions towards them.

While silently walking, Sophia felt her skin crawl as she noticed a couple of gazes landed fixedly on her, at the same time her face remained expressionless as if unbothered by it. It's not surprising that she's been stared at, since she's had this experience most of the time when she's gone out in public in the past. ​

Though, within this white cube room, she also understood that being weak at a place like this is asking for being picked upon. She glanced around at them and saw their evil intentions right from the start. They ogled her body as if she were a toy rather than a human being.

Such blatant disregard is downright disgusting; as compared to being stared at on the outside world, between the two of them, what she briefly experienced being inside here in a short period of time is a lot worse.

Well, the males are not to blame for their lecherous conduct since Sophia is indeed a beautiful girl with long silky black hair, clear black eyes, and a slim physique; her dainty appearance made her appear as if she would be easy prey to be forced upon. Especially knowing that some others were already doing the pata-pata, and making the surrounding men having this itchy feeling in their hearts.

However, what deterred most people is a tall youth with a bloodied appearance along with a terrifying aura around him, his sharp eyes fixed to the front and the people who came into contact with him would look away.

As soon as they realized she'd been trailing behind that tall youth from the start, they looked at her back for a long time and left dejectedly.

The majority of the people were deterred by it, but not all of them; a handful of people with a seasoned aura surrounding them didn't break direct eye contact with Bryan, and when he saw that his ferocious display of might was unbothered by these few people, Bryan sighed and thought that this isn't an easy challenge to overcome.

Sophia on the other hand frowned at their behavior, and it soon dawned upon her that the laws and order in this place are as good as nothing. Some of these people have transformed into savages knowing that they were about to play a deadly game in which the majority of people would die, so they abandoned their values and did what the darkness in their hearts told them to do.

Then that must explain why certain individuals work so hard with their faces sweating profusely in particular areas of the white cube while doing the nooky. At the end of her realization, her expression became solemn in response to this place's shamelessness.

After that, she sighed in relief that not all of them were like these savages in heat; as others were seen terrified, worried, and also had a sense of morality in them as they had all been living a normal lifestyle only a couple of hours before, so the idea of doing this unethical stuff to people was downright awful.

On these people, they still had beliefs that the government was still in power and that if they were out of here and someone reported on them, they would be imprisoned or worse get executed. So they don't have the nerve to do all sorts of things until they know that the law has been broken and all of them are free to do whatever they want.

What intrigues Bryan while looking at these people is that the law is what binds them in the meantime and keeps them running around like crazy people. Secondly, on how people behave when society is broken, with the literal definition of the strong eats the weak is at work here, completely similar to in the past, albeit now, the people are cunning and not as straightforward.

In the process of all of this, Bryan finally arrived at his destination, upon which looking towards his left where a lot of noise was heard and found out that, a crowd of people are in one big group, with the majority seeming to be following a bigshot in the government, as seen with guards surrounding him.

He stared at that individual for a brief period and noticed him repeatedly straightening his tie as if he was in discomfort throughout his speech; nonetheless, he still delivered a killer speech as the audience in that area yelled in approval.

Seeing that he seemed a capable individual, Bryan shrugged it off, dismissing them for the time being, and sat down, while motioning for Sophia to follow.

Sophia nodded and sat next to Bryan, waiting for him to speak.