
Bryan turned to face her and asked, "Sophia, how can I still put my trust in you? Seeing that you're still alive and kicking, while cracking jokes to me, pouting and acting all cute, and to top it off, you have the audacity to ask me, by being my comrade. Have you no shame? On the off chance that both you and I were comrades again, then when the situation becomes dire, having the chances are slim to none in surviving. Will you still do it?"

Hearing that feedback, Sophia's heart turned cold, and replied,

"You took my actions for being heartless, but you're not me Bryan. You have no idea how I feel. Seeing our prior batchmates die right in front of my eyes. Especially at the final part where I was the murderer, not only hurt me to a great extent, but to cope with it, I simply, gave out a cheerful attitude and left it all behind me, as it's just too much to bear. I'm sorry for doing it to them, but knowing that I would be the one to die pushed me over the edge, leaving me with no choice but to press on and let them die instead of me."

She felt her heart being sliced apart, as she continued, "What could I really do? Bryan tell me what did I do wrong?! If you guys would've found out, then I would have died. I believe that if you were in my shoes, you would have done, the same way as I did."

Bryan closed his eyes and wrinkled his brows while taking a deep breath giving Sophia a somber look. At that moment, he knew that if the case had been reversed and Bryan had been the murderer. He would have hesitated at first like any regular person, but the will to live is instinctive in all lifeforms, as its haywire in their DNA and the fear of death, the fear of guilt for not accomplishing his goals by finding his family would be always on his mind, reminding him to hurry up, before it is too late. As a result, the possibility of acting similarly to Sophia is most likely to happen.

The second option would have been to fight Mister Pyg to the death, Yet it's considered foolish as only a lunatic would do so, as it would only result in a meaningless death.

"I'm not considered a good role model by society, since I don't work, only play video games, and act like a snob at school and at home. Yes, you're right; I would have done the same thing you did, however, have you ever considered the fact that there are people in this world who may make sacrifices for others and become heroes? Although, in my opinion, they were noble, yet a little unfair since they didn't consider what the individuals who were still alive would do if they found out they were dead. I know what you're thinking, I'm not talking about those who had the financial means to do it and be financially secure afterward, but rather those who risked all in their lives to save that individual like a genuine hero."

Sophia listened in rapt attention looking at Bryan as he pointed his finger in his heart.

"His or her loved ones would be grieving, hurt, and in sorrow. They didn't want him or her to die as a hero so that their children would hear that their father or mother was a hero who saved people's lives. But what they wished was for them to be alive and be a hero as a part of their lives. Without those people, their lives lost someone to guide them."

Bryan didn't bother Sophia any further as he understood that what she did was what any average person would do. The fear of death is much more frightening than you imagined. It's logical that she'd make that decision, but what she did and how she deceived them bothered Bryan. If the condition demanded it, she would deceive another team member only to save her own life.

He was well aware that he was a hypocrite, a colossal hypocrite. Knowing that he could do the same thing, he clearly understood himself that he wasn't exactly a nice person either, and he couldn't pass judgment based on her actions.

"I've heard something about you're mother. Is she the one who gives you the motivation to keep going? Even if it means betraying your comrades? Mind you, it is looked down upon, and as such, no one else would welcome you, except for some nasty people, though in the off track, what if something might happen and it was somehow got leaked that you betrayed your own people, coupled with the fact that it was credited by a reliable source. Then what would you do?" Bryan muttered casually to Sophia as he relaxed looking at the ceiling.

"All I know is that all I've ever wanted is to save her. And if that particular someone were to leak it, then I would be deemed unlucky by giving him an impression that two innocent people were buried today, and that unfortunate oaf now has another two bodies to weight in his conscience." Sophia responded casually.

Hearing that reply, Bryan was surprised and hopped to a new topic, as he asked, "I, too, have a family to search, I guess we're all in the same boat; I always wonder whether they're all alive and what they're up to right now."

"They must be playing these games as well and must be trying to find you as you were trying to find them," Sophia said sighing.

"Maybe it's true, but isn't your mother still going to find you? What about your father?" Bryan replied.

"My mother is sick, which is why I was looking for her, and my father is gone; she left us and started a new family already; I do have an older brother, but he isn't the sort to be concerned about; he was always strong," Sophia answered, tucking her legs and covering her face.

"Tell me honestly, Sophia."

"What?" Sophia raises her head and looks at Bryan.

Bryan set his gaze on Sophia with a solemn look on his face and said.

"Will you betray me? if the situation gets dangerous and uses me as bait to save yourself?"

Sophia hesitated to answer Bryan, but as she looked into his eyes, she realized he wasn't kidding and thought that if she lied to him right now, the consequences would be dire and maybe he would leave her to fend for herself.

She took a long time to recollect his response before responding to him, having thought of what she might do in that situation.

"If it's an impossible situation, I would have the possibility of betraying you; as you saw in the previous game, I am an evil woman, so Yes, I would do that."

"What if I kill you right now? What would you do?" Bryan said and his face darkened at her answer and he used his True Fear Skill.

Sophia looked into Bryan's eyes, at the same time perspiring profusely, as he felt terrified in front of Bryan as if he were the King of Hell judging her for her sins, but she knew she wouldn't be a lump of meat on a chopping block helpless to do something, so she willed up her strength and fought back.

"I know you have the strength to kill me, Bryan. And if that's the case, I'm not going down without a fight." Sophia stared fearlessly into Bryan's gaze, clutching her knuckles tightly.

Bryan locked his gaze on Sophia for a long moment before lowering his presence and he grinned as he looked at Sophia.

"You passed, you are indeed capable. You can come with me if you like."